- Portada
- Journal of Artistic Creation and Literary Research
- Editorial Board and Review Process
- Irene Soriano Flórez
Irene Soriano Flórez
Irene Soriano Flórez (Madrid, 1995) obtained a BA in English Studies at Complutense University in Madrid (2017) with Distinction in her final thesis: “Eliza Haywood’s Fantomina: Performing Femininity through the Masquerade”. She spent an academic year at Sussex University (Brighton) as an Erasmus Exchange Student and has collaborated as an Intern with the Linguistics Department of her faculty at Complutense University. She currently lives in London, where she teaches Spanish.
Contact: irenesflorez@gmail.com
Irene Soriano Flórez (Madrid, 1995) es graduada en Estudios Ingleses por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2017). Obtuvo Matrícula de Honor en el Trabajo de Fin de Grado: “Eliza Haywood’s Fantomina: Performing Femininity through the Masquerade” y disfrutó de una Beca Erasmus en la Universidad de Sussex (Brighton). Ha sido Becaria de Colaboración en el Departamento de Lingüística de la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad Complutense y, actualmente, enseña español en Londres.