- Portada
- SIIM: Research and Social Innovation
- SIIM KICS: knowledge and Innovation Communities
- Asun López-Varela
Asun López-Varela
Asun López-Varela is Assoc. Prof. at Facultad Filología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She holds a PhD Anglo-American Culture and Literary Studies (2002), a Diploma of Advanced PhD Studies in Spanish Literature from UNED (2004), and a Master in Education Management from the Open University London (2000). Her research interests are Comparative Literature, Science & Literature, Cultural Studies, Cognitive and Intermedial Semiotics and Green Humanities and Sustainability. A proactive member of the profession, in 2007 she established the research program Studies on Intermediality and Intercultural Mediation SIIM which continues to receive funding from various sources. Within SIIM, López-Varela was coordinator in various projects, including EU projects and participant in the European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities EASSH green transition group.
López-Varela is a member of the Association of Alumni of the Real Colegio Complutense, Harvard University and of the Marie Curie Alumni Association MCAA. Between 2017 and 2020 she was member of the jury for MCAA Awards and collaborated with the MCAA Policy Group and Bridging Bussiness and Science WG. She was also on the Board of Gender Equality for Mobile Researchers in Science (GEMS). She has collaborated as MSCA expert evaluator with the European Office of the Fundación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología FECYT, the Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento, among other agencies.
López-Varela has served as external evaluator for the EU Educational, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency EACEA (2013-14), the European Research Program Horizon 2020 (Reflective Societies 2015-16), Trinity College Long Room Hub MSCA COFUND fellowship programme for the Arts and Humanities (2016); the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) (2016) the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD P.R.I.M.E. Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience ( 2016-2022), External evaluator of the programs on Comparative Literature at Dublin City University, evaluator in the MSCA Marie Sklodowska-Curie (2014-2020) and Vice-Chair at European Commission Unit REA.A2, Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowships, Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC) (2020-2022), COST program (2023-25) She has also collaborated with the Institute for Intermedial Studies at Linnaeus University as recruitment advisor, with the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia UNED, and the Department of Romance Studies Harvard University.
López.Varela is network coordinator at New Directions in the Humanities network. She was President of the European Society of Comparative Literature. She continues to serve ex-officio in ESCL Executive Committee. López-Varela was Deputy Head of the Department of English Studies (2018-2021)
López-Varela was visiting scholar at Brown University (2010) and Harvard University (2013) and visiting professor at Delhi University (2011), Beijng Language and Culture University (one month every year between 2012 and 2015, collaborating in a research project), Al Farabi National Kazakh l University, Almaty (PhD programs since 2013) Tamkang University, Taipei & Sun Jat Sen Univ. Kaohsiung (2014-2015). She has taken part in ZKM Beyond Festival 2014 and is a honorary member of the Poetry Award Committee of Beijing Literature and ArtNetwork. In order to strengthen relations between Europe and Asia, López-Varela coordinates the Complutense-One Asia Foundation Seminar Series on Cross-cultural dialogue funded by the One Asia Foundation. She also collaborates with other research groups such as Mitocriticism Research Group at Complutense Madrid and Semiótica Comunicación y Cultura Her participation in education innovation projects and transference includes the use of digital technologies and editorial practices. She holds a Digital Competences Cert
Lopez-Varela is keen in giving international visibility to SSH research by colleagues and younger peers, and her editorial activities are a clear sign in this direction.
- International Editor New Directions in the Humanities https://thehumanities.com/journals https://thehumanities.com/journals/editors & Spanish journal collection https://las-humanidades.com/
revistas/consejo-editorial - Advisory Board Comparative Literature and Culture CLCWeb, Purdue University Press https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb/editorialboard.html
- Advisory Board Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology (between 2014 and 2024) https://www.pdcnet.org/cultura
- Advisory Board Humanities Bulletin Journal Coverage
- International Journal of Transmedia Literacy https://www.ledonline.it/index.php/transmedialiteracy/index
- Advisory Board HyperCultura Journal HyperionUniversity, Bucharest http://litere.hyperion.ro/hypercultura/editorial-board/ Scopus index
- Advisory Board Studii şi cercetări ştiinţifice. Seria filologie (SCS))University Vasile Alecsandri https://sites.google.com/site/studiisicercetari/nr-17-2007/Home/editorial-bord
- Advisory Board Southern Semiotic Review http://www.southernsemioticreview.net/editorial-team/
- Advisory Board 1616 Anuario of the Spanish Society of Comparative Literature https://revistas.usal.es/index.php/1616_Anuario_Literatura_Comp/index
- Advisory Board Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences CJES http://www.cjes.eu/ part of http://www.world-education-center.org/index-php/index/about/
- Advisory Board Zealos, Journal of Studies in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts and Design, School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Nicosia (UNIC).
- Comité asesor deSignis the Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica (FELS) http://www.designisfels.net/presentacion.html
- Collaborator InTechOpen https://www.intechopen.com/profiles/302731/Asuncion-Lopez-Varela%20Azcarate
- Former International Editor (2013-2000) Journal Comparative Literature and Aesthetics (2013-2019) http://jcla.in/
- Reviewer for various publishers including Routledge https://www.routledge.com/ Sage https://us.sagepub.com/ Palgrave MacMillan https://www.palgrave.com/gp Peter Lang https://www.peterlang.com/ & Aracne Editrice http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/autori.html?auth-id=240071
Videos of some of her lectures can be found at: Kaznu Dec.2918 & 3D-Symposium Beyond (2014) at Zentrum für Kunst und Medien ZKM
Contact: alopezva@ucm.es