- Portada
- Journal of Artistic Creation and Literary Research
- Editorial Board and Review Process
- Alejandro Rodríguez de Jesús
Alejandro Rodríguez de Jesús
Alejandro Rodríguez de Jesús holds a Degree in English Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid. His area of interest lies within the "literature of minorities", helping to expand the preconcibed occidental canon and also does research on American and Australian literature from the XX century. He is also interested in Linguistics and Translation, being part of the "Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente" (PIMCD), improving the area of Audiovisual Translation. He studies a Masters Degree in Linguistics at the University of Purdue (Indiana, United States) and works as a Teaching Assistant at Purdue University. He holds an specialization on Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) and various courses in literature, including Autralian literature. His ambition is to become a university professor in the future.
Contact: <alejan_drio@hotmail.com> <alejro06@ucm.es>