
Bachelor of European Studies (BAES). Grado conjunto otorgado por UCM, KUL, UNIBO y JU (Alianza Una Europa)

Grado y Doble Grado. Curso 2024/2025.


Curso Académico 2024-25

Datos Generales




GC1. Recognize and analyze the mechanisms and structures of modern foreign languages.
GC2. Develop the ability to communicate orally and in writing in at least two modern foreign languages with a sufficient level of dexterity in the various situations of professional life for which their degree qualifies.
GC3. Describe and rigorously express the knowledge acquired in the learning of foreign languages for professional purposes, to allow its application in the professional fields.
GC4. Value and deepen the linguistic, literary, and cultural diversity relating it to other areas of knowledge.
GC5. Develop the capacity for linguistic and cultural mediation in various social, political, and anthropological contexts and in foundations, institutions, and international organizations.
GC6. Prepare and write texts and reports of an academic, institutional and administrative nature.
GC7. Develop the ability to translate professional and literary texts and documents.
GC8. Carry out consulting and translation tasks in written and audio-visual communication.
GC9. Acquire the training to continue research in the fields of linguistics, literature, and the culture of the respective languages, and in other areas of Humanities and Social Sciences.
GC10. Promote respect for different cultural manifestations, and the understanding and promotion of intercultural processes.

TC1. Develop the capacity for analysis and synthesis.
TC2. Develop the ability to apply knowledge to practice.
TC3. Evaluate, interpret and synthesize data and information.
TC4. Develop critical and self-critical reasoning.
TC5. Work autonomously.
TC6. Work in groups and in international contexts.
TC7. Plan and manage information and times.
TC8. Develop creativity.
TC10. Appreciate cultural diversity.
TC12. Develop a social conscience regarding the concept of equal opportunities.

SC1. Develop the ability to orally understand and speak in different social and professional contexts in the target languages.
SC2. Develop the capacity for written expression and comprehension in the target languages. The student produces well-articulated and structured texts on a wide variety of current topics and has a good command of discursive structures, connectors, and cohesion mechanisms. S/he understands the fundamental ideas of complex and long texts, including technical discussions about her/his field of specialization, and grasps the meanings which are implicit in texts, both written and oral.
SC3. Carry out linguistic analysis in one or two modern foreign languages.
SC4. Acquire the foundations for theoretical reflection on phonological, morpho-syntactic, lexical, and discursive aspects of the target languages.
SC12. Be familiar with and use information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of application of the target languages and their culture.
SC13. Manage quality information, specialized databases, and resources accessible on the Internet.


Clases teóricas
The course will be offered online, while the labs can be offered on campus or online in the different partner universities. A communicative, interactive approach integrating all of the skills will be followed.
Students are expected to demonstrate active participation during contact hours, do classroom and home activities, and prepare oral presentations.

No presenciales




The course consists of a 40-hour language laboratory dedicated to practicing spoken and written Polish, and 40 hours of lectures on Polish culture. The language laboratory is aimed at improving fluency and accuracy in writing and speaking skills and is dedicated to Polish grammar.

At the end of the course students should reach a minimum level of A2 (Council of Europe framework) for spoken Polish, while the ideal level is B1, and a minimum level of B1 for reading comprehension, ideal level B2. 



The course consists of a 40-hour language laboratory dedicated to practicing spoken and written Polish, and 40 hours of lectures on Polish culture. The language laboratory is aimed at improving fluency and accuracy in writing and speaking skills and is dedicated to Polish grammar.

At the end of the course students should reach a minimum level of A2 (Council of Europe framework) for spoken Polish, while the ideal level is B1, and a minimum level of B1 for reading comprehension, ideal level B2. 



50% of the final grade will be assessed by a final test.
40% will be assessed through individual work at home and in the classroom, including the students’ oral presentations.
10% will assess positive attendance and active participation in the classroom.



Handouts, readings, media links, video materials and specific reference lists will be provided by the teachers of Polish in their course syllabus and Moodle platforms.


No existen datos de módulos o materias para esta asignatura.


Grupo único - - -

Primer semestre
Grupo único - - -

Segundo semestre
Grupo único - - -