I am Pedro Lázaro Rodríguez.
I have a Ph.D. in Social Sciences by the University of Granada (Spain) and my research is focused on Information and Scientific Communication. I work as an Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science at the Complutense University of Madrid. As a researcher, I am a member of INFOBISOC, a research group on Information, Libraries and Society. On the other hand, I have just become the Deputy Editor of RIBES, a Spanish scientific journal (Diamond Open Access) focused on libraries, education and society.
Please, consider visiting my personal and professional website for further information:
You can find me here: UCM Scientific Production Portal, ORCID, Docta Complutense (UCM institutional repository), Digibug (UGR institutional repository), Reunir (UNIR institutional repository), Open Science Framework, Figshare, Zenodo, Open Alex, Google Scholar, Scopus, WOS, Mastodon, TubEdu, Codeberg, and in my blog. Please, take a look to the Contact section for further and specific information. You can check my verfied profiles on scientifics resources and social media platforms here: https://pedrolr.es/#verified.