Sol María Pose Méndez
Contract Researcher
During the postdoctoral period, I have focused on functional studies, first working on the Wnt signalling pathway in early cnidarian development at the University of Miami. Subsequently, I worked on neuronal regeneration in the zebrafish cerebellum at the Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany). The main project in zebrafish has been the analysis of Purkinje cell regeneration, providing a tool for future studies on neurodegenerative diseases affecting the cerebellum, such as cerebellar ataxia. I am currently studying cerebellar regeneration in the anuran amphibian Xenopus laevis (at the Complutense University of Madrid), in order to analyse the mechanisms of regeneration in this animal model from an evolutionary point of view ("EvoRego", study of regeneration throughout evolution), and thus be able to understand the mechanisms of regeneration in the cerebellum.