Saeed Khodabakhshi

Saeed Khodabakhshi was born in 1984 in Shiraz (Iran). In 2013, he earned a PhD in organic chemistry from the Yasouj University (Iran), where he carried out his research on the “Development of multicomponent reactions and catalysis under supervision of Prof. Bahador Karami. During PhD studies, he got a visiting research position in Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) under supervision of Prof. Benito Alcaide and Prof. Pedro Almendros to study on the “Regioselective catalyzed reactions of Allenes and Alkynes. Upon PhD graduation, during 2014-2015 he worked as a postdoctoral researcher on the “Chemistry and application of carbon-based nanomaterials in the Nanotechnology Research Center of Petroleum Industry (Tehran-Iran). He joined to Prof. Nazario Martin group from the first of 2016. His research interests include carbon-based nanomaterials chemistry, heterocyclic synthesis, and multicomponent and catalyzed reactions which have been published in 85 peer-reviewed journals.