Mª Margarita Suárez Navarro

Is a Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Havana University, Cuba. She has developed her own research on the synthesis and transformation of heterocycles with potential bioactive properties, reporting on new protocols using non-conventional synthetic procedures such as microwave, ultrasound and solid phase synthesis as a contribution to the Combinatorial Chemistry and Green Chemistry, performing structural and conformational study of the compounds synthesized by NMR and X-ray techniques and the application of theoretical calculations. Her interests also include the chemistry of fullerenes with special emphasis on the preparation of fullerene derivatives by means of cycloaddition reactions, and investigations on the chemical reactivity of carbon nanostructures. Since 1990 she has established scientific contacts with Prof. Dr. Nazario Martín, creating a fruitful collaboration that has resulted in near 50 research papers in international journals.
e-mail: msuarez@fq.uh.cu, msuarezes@yahoo.es