Carmen Atienza

Carmen Atienza
Carmen Mª Atienza Castellanos was born in Alcázar de San Juan (Spain) in 1976. She obtained his BSc (1999) and DEA (2001) from the University of Autónoma of Madrid, working in the formation of benzo[b]fluorenes and the benzo[a]fluorene core of the fluostatins by cyclization of diaryldiynones under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Echavarren. Then she moved on to the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM) where she obtained her Ph.D. in 2005 with the thesis entitled “Synthesis photo- and electroactive systems based on [60]fullerene and tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)” under the supervision of Profs Nazario Martín and Carlos Seoane, working. During this period, she spent three months at the ETH Zurich joining the group of Prof. Dr. François Diederich and working on the synthesis of new TTF acetylenic-CEEs system for NLO. From 2005 to 2006 she worked as a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Dirk M. Guldi at Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie I in Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg on photophysics study of electron transfer in electroactive organic systems. Until 2007 she joined the group of Prof. E. Díez Barra working on synthesis of dendrimeric structure for nanophotonic application worked at University of Castilla La Mancha. In October 2007 she enjoyed as a visiting professor contract at UCM. From Octuber 2009, she currently enjoy a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral contract.