Book Chapter 2002

Book Chapter 2002
Coautor(es): M.A. Herranz, L. Echegoyen, M.J.W. Beulen, J. Rivera, N. Martín, B. Illescas, M. Díaz
Título: Retro-Cyclopropanation of Spiromethanofullerenes (p. 307-317)
En: “The Exciting Word of Nanocages and Nanotubes”
Editor (es): P. Khamat, D.M. Guldi, K.M. Kadish.
Editorial(año): The Electrochemical Society, Inc., (2002) (ISBN: 1-56677-333-4)
Coautor(es): L. Sánchez, M.A. Herranz, M. Díaz, B. Illescas, N. Martín, D.M. Guldi
Título: Highly Stabilized Charge-Separated States in C60-TTF Ensembles (p. 270-278)
En: “The Exciting Word of Nanocages and Nanotubes”
Editor (es): P. Khamat, D.M. Guldi, K.M. Kadish.
Editorial(año): The Electrochemical Society, Inc., (2002) (ISBN: 1-56677-333-4)
Coautor(es): N. Martín, J.L. Segura, F. Wudl
Título: New Concepts in [60]Fullerene Diels-Alder Reactions
En: “Fullerenes: From Synthesis to Optoelectronic Properties”.
Editor (es): D.M. Guldi, N. Martín
Editorial(año): Kluwer Academic Publishers (2002).