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Sánchez-Moya Y., Herrero-Fernández, M.J., Herrero-Matesanz, C., et al... (2016). Aprender a cartografiar en áreas sedimentarias. Geología de la región de Nuévalos, provincia de Zaragoza Reduca (Geología) 8 (1), 1-52

Sánchez Moya, Y., Herrero, M.J., Sopeña, A. (2016). Strontium isotopes and sedimentology of a marine Triassic succession (upper Ladinian) of the westernmost Tethys, Spain Journal of Iberian Geology 42 (2). 171-186.

OMODEO, S; et al.  2016. Characterization of the source rocks of a paleo-petroleum system (Cameros Basin) based on organic matter petrology and geochemical analyses. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 71, pp.271-287.

Martín-Banda, R.; et al. 2016. New insights on the seismogenic potential of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (SE Iberia): Quaternary activity and paleoseismicity of the SW segment of the Carrascoy Fault Zone JO - Tectonics. Tectonics. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 34, pp.1-1.


HERRERO; M.J., Escavy; J.I., schreiber. Ch. (2015). Thenardite after mirabilite deposits as a cool climate indicator in the geological record: lower Miocene of central Spain. Climate of the Past. Copernicus Publications. 11, pp.1-13.

Muñoz, A., Herrero, M.J., Arribas, J., Arribas, M.E., Escavy, J.I. (2015). Relationship between Tectonic Activity and the Sedimentary Infilling of the Cenozoic Madrid Basin - The Linking Area between the Spainsh Central System and the Iberian Range. EAGE Internation congress, Fieldtrip 3. Madrid, 5/6/2015.

Arribas Mocoroa, M.E., Arribas Mocoroa,J., Escavy Fernández, JI., ...(2015) Adecuación del Atlas de Petrología Sedimentaria (http://www. ucm. es/info/petrosed) a Recursos Educativos en Abierto (REA)(Open Educational Resources–OER). Universidad Complutense de Madrid

MARFIL; R., LA IGLESIA; A., HERRERO; M.J., SCHERER; M., DELGADO, A. (2015). Clay mineral occurrence and burial transformations: reservoir potential of the Permo-Triassic sediments of the Iberian Range. Basin Research. doi10.1111/bre.12074 - Om-line, pp. 1 - 15. Jonh Wiley & Sons, 10/07/2014.


RODRIGO-NAHARRO; J., DELGADO, A., HERRERO, M.J., GRANADOS, A., PÉREZ DEL VILLAR, L. (2013). Current travertines precipitation from CO2-rich groundwaters as an alert of CO2 leakages from a natural CO2 storage at Gañuelas-Mazarrón tertiary basin (Murcia, Spain). Informes Técnicos Ciemat. 1279, pp. 1 - 53. CIEMAT, 05/06/2014. ISSN 1135-9420

ESCAVY, J.I., HERRERO, M.J. (2013).  The use of location–allocation techniques for exploration targeting of high place-value industrial minerals: A market-based prospectivity study of the Spanish gypsum resources. Ore Geology Reviews. 53, pp. 504 - 516. (Holanda): Elsevier, 01/09/2013. ISSN 0169-1368

HERRERO FERNÁNDEZ, M.J., ESCAVY FERNÁNDEZ, J.I., BUSTILLO REVUELTA, M. (2013). The Spanish building crisis and its effect in the gypsum quarry production (1998–2012). Resources Policy. 38 - 2, pp. 123 – 129.

ALONSO ZARZA, A.M., MELENDEZ HEVIA, A., MARTIN GARCIA, R., HERRERO FERNANDEZ, M.J., MARTIN PEREZ, A.(2013). Discriminating between tectonism and climate signatures in palustrine deposits: Lessons from the Miocene of the Teruel Graben, NE Spain. Earth-Science Reviews. 113, pp. 141 - 160. (Holanda): 31/08/2012. ISSN 0012-8252


ESCAVY FERNANDEZ, J.I., HERRERO FERNANDEZ, M.J., ARRIBAS MOCOROA, M.E. (2012). Gypsum resources of Spain: temporal and spatial distribution. Ore Geology Reviews. 49, pp. 72 - 84. (Holanda): 01/10/2012. ISSN 0169-1368


HERRERO FERNANDEZ, M.J., MARTIN PEREZ, A., ALONSO ZARZA, A.M., MELENDEZ HEVIA, A., GIL PEÑA, I., MARTIN GARCIA, R. (2011). Petrography and geochemistry of the magnesites and dolostones of the Ediacaran Ibor Group (635 to 542 Ma), Western Spain: Evidences of their hydrothermal origin.Sedimentary Geology. pp. 71 - 84. (Holanda): 15/10/2011. ISSN 0037-0738


Martín-Pérez, A., Martín-García, R., Alonso-Zarza, A.M., Herrero, M.J. (2010). Features and origin of red clays in Castañar Cave: a touch of colour (2010). Advances in research in karst media, 515-520

HERRERO FERNANDEZ, M.J., ESCAVY FERNANDEZ, J.I. (2010). Economic Aspects of continental Carbonates and Carbonates Transformed under continental Conditions. Developments in sedimentology 01/01/2010. ISBN 978-0-444-53526-9. Capítulos de libros

Herrero Fernández, M.J., Martín Pérez, A., Gil Peña, I., Alonso-Zarza, A.M. (2010). Caracterización petrológica de los niveles magnesíticos y las dolomías encajantes de Edad Proterozoica Superior-Cámbrico Inferior, Grupo Ibor, Castañar de Ibor, Cáceres, Geogaceta 47


SANZ, A., ANADON, P., HERRERO, M.J., MOSCARIELLO, A. (2007). Variable style of Transition between Palaeogene Fluvial Fan and Lacustrine Systems, Southern Pyrenean Foreland, NE Spain. Sedimentology. 54, pp. 367 - 390. (Reino Unido): Elsevier, 01/05/2007. ISSN 0037-0746.