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BARBERO,  L., VILLASECA, C. & ANDONAEGUI, P. (1990) On the origin of the  gabbro-tonalite-monzogranite association from Toledo area (Hercynian  Iberian Belt). Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrografische Mitterlung 70, 207-219.

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VILLASECA,  C., GALLEGO, M., HASSAN, A. & CABALLERO, J.M. (1998) Geochemical  features of highly fractionated felsic granites: the P-rich trend of  some S-type granites and the P-poor trend of I-type granites: examples  from the Iberian Hercynian Belt. Acta Universitatis Carolinensis Geologica  42(1), 173-177.

VILLASECA,  C., BARBERO, L. & HERREROS, V. (1999) A re-examination of the  typology of peraluminous granite-types in intracontinental orogenic  belts. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences  89, 113-119.

VILLASECA,  C., DOWNES, H., PIN, C. & BARBERO, L. (1999) Nature and composition  of the lower continental crust in central Spain and the  granulite-granite linkage: inferences from granulitic xenoliths. Journal of Petrology 40, 1465-1496

BARBERO,  L. & VILLASECA, C. (2000) Eclogite facies relics in metabasites  from the Sierra de Guadarrama (Spanish Central System): P-T estimates  and implications for the Hercynian evolution. Mineralogical Magazine 64, 815-836.

VILLASECA,  C. & HERREROS, V. (2000) A sustained felsic magmatic system: the  Hercynian granitic batholith of the Spanish Central System. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 91, 207-219 coedited by the Geological Society of  America, Special Paper 350, 207-219

VILLASECA,  C., MARTÍN ROMERA, C. & BARBERO, L. (2001) Melts and residua  geochemistry in a low-to-mid crustal section (Central Spain). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 26 (4/5), 273-280

VILLASECA,  C., MARTÍN ROMERA, C., DE LA ROSA, J. & BARBERO, L. (2003)  Residence and redistribution of REE, Y, Zr, Th and U during  granulite-facies metamorphism: behaviour of accessory and major phases  in peraluminous granulites of central Spain. Chemical Geology 200, 293-323.

VILLASECA, C. (2003) Sobre el origen del batolito granítico del Sistema Central Español. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 98, 23.39.

VILLASECA,  C., OREJANA, D., PIN, C., LÓPEZ GARCÍA, J.A. & ANDONAEGUI, P.  (2004) Le magmatisme basique hercynien et post-hercynien du Système  Central Espagnol: essai de caractérisation des sources mantelliques. Comptes Rendus Geosciences 336, 877-888.

OREJANA, D., VILLASECA, C. & PATERSON, B.A. (2004) Trace element partitioning in alkaline lamprophyres. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68(11), Supplement 1, A726

CLARKE,  D.B., DORAIS, M., BARBARIN, B., BARKER, D., CESARE, B., CLARKE, G., EL  BAGHDADI, M., ERDMANN, S., FÖRSTER, H-J., GAETA, M., GOTTESMANN, B.,  JAMIESON, R.A., KONTAK, D.J., KOLLER, F., LEAL GOMES, C., LONDON, D.,  MORGAN VI, G.B., NEVES, L.J.P.F., PATTISON, D.R.M., PEREIRA, A.J.,  PICHAVANT, M., RAPELA, C.W., RENNO, A.D., RICHARDS, S., ROBERTS, M.,  ROTTURA, A., SAAVEDRA, J., SIAL, A.N., TOSELLI, A.J., UGIDOS, J.M.,  UHER, P., VILLASECA, C., VISONÀ, D., WHITNEY, D.L., WILLIAMSON, B.  & WOODARD H.H. (2005) Occurrence and origin of andalusite in  peraluminous felsic igneous rocks. Journal of Petrology, 46, 441-472

BARBERO,  L., GLASMACHER, U.A., VILLASECA, C., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, J.A. &  MARTÍN-ROMERA, C. (2005) Long-term thermo-tectonic evolution of the  Montes de Toledo area (Central Hercynian Belt, Spain): constraints from  apatite fission track analysis. International Journal of Earth Sciences (ex Geologische Rundschau) 94, 193-203

OREJANA,  D., VILLASECA, C. & PATERSON, B.A. (2006) Geochemistry of  pyroxenitic and hornblenditic xenoliths in alkaline lamprophyres from  the Spanish Central System. Lithos, 86, 167-196

FERNÁNDEZ-SUÁREZ,  J., ARENAS, R., JEFFRIES, T.E., WHITEHOUSE, M.J. & VILLASECA, C.  (2006) A U-Pb study of zircons from lower crustal xenoliths of the  Spanish Central System: a record of Iberian lithospheric evolution from  the Neoproterozoic to the Triassic. Journal of Geology  114, 471-483.

VILLASECA,  C., OREJANA, D. & PATERSON, B.A. (2007) Zr-LREE rich minerals in  residual peraluminous granulites, another factor in the origin of low  Zr-LREE granitic melts?. Lithos 96, 375-386

PÉREZ-SOBA,  C., VILLASECA, C., GONZÁLEZ DEL TÁNAGO, J. & NASDALA, L. (2007) The  composition of zircon in the peraluminous Hercynian granites of the  Spanish Central System Batholith. Canadian Mineralogist, 45, 175-192

VILLASECA,  C., OREJANA, D., PATERSON, B.A., BILLSTROM, K. & PÉREZ-SOBA, C.  (2007) Metaluminous pyroxene-bearing granulite xenoliths from the lower  cotinental crust in central Spain: their role in the genesis of  Hercynian I-type granites. European Journal of Mineralogy 19, 463-477

OREJANA,  D., VILLASECA, C. & PATERSON, B.A. (2007) Geochemistry of mafic  phenocrysts from alkaline lamprophyres of the Spanish Central System:  implications on crystal fractionation, magma mixing and xenoliths  entrapment within deep magma chambers. European Journal of Mineralogy 19, 817-832.  

CASTIÑEIRAS,  P., VILLASECA, C., BARBERO, L. & MARTÍN ROMERA, C. (2008) SHRIMP  U-Pb zircon dating of anatexis in high-grade migmatite complexes of  central Spain: implication in the Hercynian evolution of Central  Iberia. International Journal of Earth Sciences (ex Geologische Rundschau) 97, 35-50

OREJANA,  D., VILLASECA, C., BILLSTROM, K. & PATERSON, B.A. (2008)  Petrogenesis of Permian alkaline lamprophyres and diabases from the  Spanish Central System and their geodynamic context within western  Europe. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 156, 477-500

OREJANA,  D. & VILLASECA, C. (2008) Heterogeneous metasomatism in cumulate  xenoliths from the Spanish Central System: implications on percolative  fractional crystallization of lamprophiric melts. In: Coltorti, M. y  Grégoire, M. (eds.) Metasomatism in oceanic and continental  lithospheric mantle. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 293, 101-120.

VILLASECA. C, PÉREZ-SOBA, C., MERINO, E., OREJANA, D., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, J.A. & BILLSTROM, K. (2008) Contrasting crustal sources for peraluminous granites of the segmented Montes de Toledo Batholith (Iberian Variscal Belt). Journal of Geosciences, 53, 263-280.

OREJANA, D., VILLASECA, C., PÉREZ-SOBA, C., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, J.A. & BILLSTROM, K. (2009) The Variscan gabbros from the Spanish Central System: A case for crustal recycling in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle under central Spain. Lithos, 110, 262-276.

VILLASECA, C., BELLIDO, F., PÉREZ-SOBA, C. & BILLSTROM, K. (2009) Multiple crustal sources for post-tectonic I-type granites in the Hercynian Iberian Belt. Mineralogy and Petrology, 96, 197-211.

PÉREZ-SOBA, C. & VILLASECA, C. (2010) Petrogenesis of highly fractionated I-type peraluminous granites: La Pedriza pluton (Spanish Central System). Geologica Acta, 8, 131-149. doi 10.1344/105.000000.

VILLASECA, C., ANCOCHEA, E., OREJANA, D. & JEFFRIES, T.E. (2010) Composition and evolution of the lithospheric mantle in central Spain: inferences from peridotite xenolites from the Cenozoic Calatrava volcanic field. In: Coltorti, M., Downes, H., Grégoire, M. & O'Really, S.Y. (eds.) Petrological evolution of the European Lithospheric Mantle. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 337, 125-152.

VILLASECA, C., GONZÁLEZ-JIMÉNEZ, J.M., GRIFFIN, W.L., ANCOCHEA, E., GERVILLA, F, O’REILLY, S.Y., PEARSON, N.J. y BELOUSOVA, E. (2011). Os isotopes in sulfides from xenoliths of the Campos de Calatrava Volcanic Field, central Spain. Mineralogical Magazine, 75 (3), 2090.

OREJANA, D., VILLASECA, C., ARMSTRONG, R.A. y JEFFRIES, T.E. (2011). Geochronology and trace element chemistry of zircon and garnet from granulite xenoliths: constraints on the tectonothermal evolution of the lower crust under central Spain. Lithos, 124, 103-116.

VILLASECA, C., OREJANA, D., BELOUSOVA, E., ARMSTRONG, R.A., PÉREZ-SOBA, C. y JEFFRIES, T.E. (2011). U-Pb isotopic ages and Hf isotope composition of zircons in Variscan gabbros from central Spain: evidence of variable crustal contamination. Mineralogy and Petrology, 101, 151-167.

VILLASECA, C., BELOUSOVA, E., OREJANA, D., CASTIÑEIRAS, P. y PÉREZ-SOBA, C. (2011). Presence of Palaeoproterozoic and Archean components in the granulite-facies rocks of central Iberia: the Hf isotopic evidence. Precambrian Research, 187, 143-154.

OREJANA, D., MERINO, E., VILLASECA, C., PÉREZ-SOBA, C. y CUESTA, A. (2012). Electron microprobe monazite geochronology of granitic intrusions from the Montes de Toledo batholith (central Spain). Geological Journal, 47, 41-58.

OREJANA, D., VILLASECA, C., VALVERDE-VAQUERO, P., BELOUSOVA, E., ARMSTRONG, R.A. (2012). U-Pb geochronology and zircon composition of late-Variscan S- and I-type granitoids from the Spanish Central System batholith. International Journal of Earth Sciences (ex Geologische Rundschau), 101, 1789-1815.

JIMÉNEZ-DÍAZ, A., RUIZ, J., VILLASECA, C., TEJERO, R., CAPOTE, R. (2012). The theremal state and strenght of the lithosphere in the Sapnish Central System and Tajo basin from crustal heat and thermal isostasy. Journal of Geodynamics, 58, 29-37.

VILLASECA, C., OREJANA, D., BELOUSOVA, E. (2012). Recycled metaigneous crustal sources for S- and I-type granitoids from the Spanish Central System batholith: constraints from Hf isotope zircon composition. Lithos, 153, 84-93.

GONZÁLEZ-JIMÉNEZ, J.M., VILLASECA, C., GRIFFIN, W.L., BELOUSOVA, E., KONC, Z., ANCOCHEA, E., O'REILLY, S.Y., PEARON, N.J., GARRIDO, C.J., GERVILLA, F. (2013). The architecture of the European-Mediterranean Lithosphere: a synthesis of the Re-Os evidence. Geology, 41, 547-550.

MERINO, E., VILLASECA, C., OREJANA, D. y JEFFRIES, T. (2013) Gahnite, chrysoberyl and beryl co-occurrence as accessory minerals in a highly evolved peraluminous hercynian pluton: the Belvís de Monroy leucogranite (Cáceres, Spain). Lithos, 179, 137-156.

VILLASECA, C., MERINO, E.,OYARZUN, R., OREJANA, D., PÉREZ-SOBA, C. & CHICHARRO, E. (2014) Contrasting chemical and isotopic signatures from Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks in the Central Iberian Zone (Spain) of pre-Variscan Europe: Implications for terrane analysis and Early Ordovician magmatic belts. Precambrian Research, 245, 131-145.

MERINO MARTÍNEZ, E., VILLASECA, C., OREJANA, D., PÉREZ-SOBA, C., BELOUSOVA, E. & ANDERSEN, T. (2014) Tracing magma sources of three different S-type peraluminous granitoid series by in situ U-Pb geochronology and Hf-isotope zircon composition: the Variscan Montes de Toledo batholith (central Spain). Lithos, 200-201, 273-298.

PÉREZ-SOBA, C., VILLASECA, C., OREJANA, D. & JEFFRIES, T. (2014) Uranium-rich accessory minerals in the peraluminous and perphosphorous granites of the Belvís de Monroy pluton (Iberian Variscan Belt). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 167, 1008.

VINDEL, E.,CHICHARRO, E., VILLASECA, C., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, J.A. & SÁNCHEZ, V. (2014) Hydrothermal phosphate vein-type ores from southern Central Iberian Zone, Spain: Evidences for their relationships to granites and Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks. Ore Geology Reviews, 62, 143-145.

GONZÁLEZ-JIMÉNEZ, J.M., VILLASECA, C., GRIFFIN, W.L., O'REILLY, S.Y., BELOUSOVA, E., ANCOCHEA, E. & PEARSON, N.J. (2014) Significance of ancient sulfide PGE and Re-Os signatures in the mantle beneath Calatrava, central Spain. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 168, 1047. 

CHICHARRO, E., VILLASECA, C., VALVERDE-VAQUERO, P., BELOUSOVA, E. & LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, J.A. (2014) Zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic constraints on the genesis of a post-kynematic S-type Variscan tin granite: the Logrosán cupola (Central Iberian Zone). Journal of Iberian Geology, 40, 451-470.

VILLASECA, C.,CASTIÑEIRAS, P., OREJANA, D. (2015) Early Ordovician metabasites from the Spanish Central System: a remnant of intraplate HP rocks in the Central Iberian Zone. Gondwana Research  27, 392-409. 

CHICHARRO, E., MARTÍN-CRESPO, T., GÓMEZ-ORTIZ, D., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, J.A., OYARZUN, R., VILLASECA, C. (2015) Geology and gravity modeling of the Logrosán Sn-(W) ore deposits (Central Iberian Zone). Ore Geology Reviews, 65, 294-307.

OREJANA, D., MERINO MARTÍNEZ, E., VILLASECA, C., ANDERSEN, T. (2015) Ediacaran-Cambrian paleogeography and geodynamic setting of the Central Iberian Zone: constraints from coupled U-Pb-Hf isotopes of detrital zircons. Precambrian Research 261, 234-251.

OREJANA, D., LOSANTOS, E., VILLASECA, C. (2015) Mineral chemistry of late-Variscan gabbros from central Spain: constraints on crystallization processes and nature of the parental magma. Journal of Iberian Geology 41, 253-272.