García Romero, Emilia
Catedrática de Universidad
Vicedirectora del Instituto de Geociencias IGEO
Despacho 7A
Tfno. 91-3944880
Docencia (curso 2021-2022): Cristalografía y Mineralogía (1º Grado de Ingeniero Geólogo), Mecánica de Suelos Avanzada (Máster en Ingeniería Geológica).
Líneas de investigación: Geología y Mineralogía de Arcillas.
Grupo de investigación UCM: "Procesos de formación mineral y mineralogía aplicada".
2022. Suárez, M., García-Rivas, J., Morales, J., Lorenzo, A.; García-Vicente, A., García-Romero, E. Review and new data on the surface properties of palygorskite: A comparative study. Applied Clay Science, 216, 106311.
2022. Suárez, M.; Lorenzo, A.; García-Vicente, A.; Morales, J.; García-Rivas, J.; García-Romero, E. New data on the microporosity of bentonites. Engineering Geology.
2021. García-Romero, E.; Suárez, M. The alteration of Miraflores Basalt (Panama): mineralogical and textural evolution. Aplied Clay Sciences. 205. 106036.
2021. Suárez, M.; García Romero, E.; Baz, A, Pérez, R. Smectites: the key to the cost overruns in the construction of the third set of locks of the Panama Canal. Engineering Geology. 106036
2021. Garcia-Romero, E.; Lorenzo, A.; Garcia-Vicente, A.; Morales, J.; Garcia-Rivas, J.; Suarez, M. On the structural formula of smectites: a review and new data on the influence of the exchangeable cations. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 54, 251–262.
2021. Sánchez Del Rio, M.; García-Rivas, J. ; Suárez, M.; García-Romero, E. Crystal–chemical and diffraction analyses of Maya Blue suggesting a different provenance of the palygorskite found in Aztec pigment. Achaeometry. doi: 10.1111/arcm.12644. doi:
2021. Andrić-Tomašević, N.; Simić, V.; Mandic, O. , Životić, D. ; Suárez, M., García-Romero, E. An arid phase in the Internal Dinarides during the early to middle Miocene: Inferences from Mg-clays in the Pranjani Basin (Serbia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Vol. 562. 110145.
2021. Nespereira J.; Blanco J. A.; Suárez M.; García-Romero E.; Yenes M.; Monterrubio S. Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Dueñas Clay Formation (Tertiary Duero Basin, Spain): An Overconsolidated Clay of Lacustrine Origin. Applied Science. 11.
2020. García-Rivas, J.; Suárez, M.; García-Romero, E.; Sánchez del Río, M. Presence of oriented fibers in palygorskite powders and its influence on XRay diffractograms. Applied Clay Science. 195. 105724.
2019. García-Romero, E.; Manchado, E.M.; Suárez, M.; García-Rivas,J. Spanish bentonites: A review and new data of their geology, mineralogy, and crystal-chemistry. Minerals. doi:10.3390/min9110696
2019. Suárez, M. and García-Romero, E. Comments on “Influence of thermally modified palygorskite on the viability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria” by B. Biswas, B. Sarkar, and R. Naidy. Applied Clay Science 134 (2016) 153–160, DOI 10.1016/j.clay.2016.07.003. Applied Clay Science. ttp://
2018. Suárez. M.; E.; García-Rivas, J.; Morales, J. García-Romero, E. Spanish Palygorskites: Mineralogy, crystal-chemistry and properties. European Journal of Mineralogy. 30, 733-746. DOI
2018. Garcia-Romero, E. and Suárez M. Structure-based argument for non-classical crystal growth in nature (clay minerals). Mineralogical Magazine. 82, 171-180 DOI:
2018. Garcia-Rivas, J., Suarez, M., Garcia-Romero, E., Garcia-Melendez, E. Identification and classification of mineralogical associations by VNIR-SWIR spectroscopy in the Tajo basin (Spain). International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 72, 57-65. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2018.05.028
2018. García-Rivas, J.; Suárez, M.; Torres, T., Sánchez-Palencia, Y., García-Romero, E. and Ortiz, J. Geochemistry and Biomarker Analysis of the Bentonites from Esquivias (Toledo, Spain. Minerals. 8, 291- DOI:10.3390/min8070291
2017. Suárez, M. and García-Romero, E. Comments on “Influence of thermally modified palygorskite on the viability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria” by B. Biswas, B. Sarkar, and R. Naidy. Applied Clay Science, 134, 153–160, DOI:
2017. Garcia-Rivas, J.; Sánchez del Río, M.; García-Romero, E. and Suárez, M. An insight in the structure of a palygorskite from palygorskaja: some questions on the standard model. Applied Clay Science. 148, 39-47.
2017. López-Pacheco, C. P.; Nieto-Camacho, A.; Zarate-Reyes L.; García-Romero, E.; Suárez M.; Kaufhold, S.; García Zepeda, E.; Cervini-Silva, J. Sepiolite and palygorskite-underpinned regulation of mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines as determined by a murine inflammation model. Applied Clay Science. 137, 43-49.
2016. Juárez, E.; Ronquillo de Jesús, E.; Nieto-Camacho, A; Kaufhold, S. Garcia-Romero, E. Suárez; M. and Cervini-Silva, J. The role of sepiolite and palygorskite on the migration of leokocyte cells to an inflammation site. Appled Clay Science. 123, 315-319.
2016. Suárez, M.; García-Rivas, J. and García-Romero, E. Mineralogical characterization and surface properties of sepiolite from Polatly (Turkey). Applied Clay Science, 131, 124-130
2016. Pelayo, M.; García-Romero, E; Labajo, M.A. and Pérez Del Villar, L. Evidence of montmorillonite/Fe-rich smectite transformation in the Morrón de Mateo bentonite deposit (Spain): implications for the clayey barrier behavior. Applied Clay Science, 131, 59-70
2015. Suárez, M.; Morales, J.; Torres-Pardo, A. and García-Romero, E. A Micromorphological study on natural and folded sepiolite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 27, 81-90. doi: 10.1127/ejm/2014/0026-2412
2014. García-Romero, E. and Suárez, M. Sepiolite-palygorskite polysomatic series: Oriented aggregation as a crystal growth mechanism in natural environments. American Mineralogist, 99, 1653-1661. DOI: 10.2138/am.2014.4751
2014. Iglesias, I.; García-Romero, E. and Acosta, A. Influence of dolomite microcrystals on the technological properties of Santa Cruz De Mudela clays used for building ceramics. Applied Clay Science, 102, 261-267. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2014.10.009
2013. Iglesias Martín, I.; Acosta Echeverría, A.; and García-Romero, E. Recycling of residual IGCC salgs and their benefits as degreasers in ceramics. Journal of Environmental Management. 129, 1-8.
2013. García-Romero, E. and Suárez, M. Sepiolite-palygorskite: Textural study and genetic considerations. Applied Clay Science, 86, 129–144. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2013.09.013
2013. Suárez, M. and García-Romero, E. Sepiolite–palygorskite: a continuous polysomatic series. Clays and Clay Minerals, 61-5, 461-472. doi: 10.1346/CCMN.2013.0610505.
2012. Suárez, M. and García-Romero, E. Variability of the surface properties of sepiolite. Applied Clay Science. 68-68, 72-82. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2012.06.003
2012. Mondelli, C.; Sanchez Del Río, M.; González, M.A.; Magazzú, A.; Cavallari, C.; Suárez, M.; García-Romero, E. and Romano, P.O. Role of water on formation and structural features of Maya Blue. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering. 340 012109 doi: 10.088/1742-6596/340/1/012109.
2011. Pelayo, M.; García-Romero, E.; Labajo, M.A. and Pérez Del Villar, L. Occurence of Fe-Mg-rich smectites and corrensite in the Morrón de Mateo bentonite deposit (Cabo de Gata region, Spain): A natural analogue of the bentonite barrier in a radwaste repository. Applied Geochemistry. 26, 1153-1168. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.04.005
2011. Stathopoulou, E. T., Suarez, M.; Garcia-Romero, E.; Sanchez Del Rio, M.; Kacandes, G.; Gionis1 V. and Chryssikos, G. D. Trioctahedral entities in palygorskite: Near-infrared evidence forsepiolite-palygorskite polysomatism. European Journal of Mineralogy. 23, 567-576. doi: 10.1127/0935-1221/2011/0023-2112.
2011. Sanchez Del Rio, M.; García-Romero, E.; Suárez, M.; Da Silva, I.; Fuentes Montero,L. and Martínez-Criado, G. Variability in sepiolite: Diffraction studies. American Mineralogist. 96, 1443-1454. doi: 10.2138/am2011.3761.
2011. Suárez, M. and García-Romero, E. Advances in the Crystal-Chemistry of Sepiolite and Palygorskite. In: Advances in the crystal chemistry of sepiolite and palygorskite. Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research. Galán E. and Singer A. edit. Chapter 2. Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3, Elsevier. 33-65.
2011. Sanchez Del Rio, M.; Doménech, A. Domenech-Carbó, M.T.; Vazquez De Agredos Pascual, M. L. Suárez, M. and García Romero, E. The Maya Blue Pigment. In: Developments in Palygorskite-Sepiolite Research. Galán E. and Singer A. edit. Chapter 18. Developments in Clay Science, Vol. 3, Elsevier. 453-481.
2010. Garcia-Romero, E. and Suarez, M. On the chemical composition of sepiolite and palygorskite. Clays and Clay Minerals. 58, 1, 1-20.
2009. Chryssikos, G.; Gionis, V.; Kacandes, G.H. Stahopoulou, E. T. Suárez M.; García-Romero, E. and Sánchez Del Rio, M. Octahedral cation distribution in palygorskite. American Mineralogist. 94, 200-203.
2009. Sanchez Del Rio, M; Boccaleri, E.; Milanesio, M.; Coce, G.; Van Beek, W.; Tsiantos, C.; Chyssikos, G. D.; Gionis, V.; Kacandes, G.H.; Suarez, M. and García-Romero, E. A combined synchrotron powder diffraction and vibrational study of the termal treatment of palygorskite-indigo to produce Maya Blue. Journal Material Science. 44, 21, 5524–5536. DOI, 10.1007/S10853-0093772-5.
2009. Sanchez Del Rio, M; Suarez, M. and García-Romero, E. Occurrence of palygorskite in the Yucatán Peninsula. Ethnohistoric and archaeological context. Archeometry, 51. 2, 214-230.
2009. Tauler, E., Proenza, J.A.; Galí, S.; Lewis, J.F.; Labrador, M.; García-Romero, E.; Suarez, M.; Longo, F. and Bloise, G. Ni-sepiolite-falcondoite in garnierite mineralization from Falcondo Ni-laterite Deposit, Dominican Republic. Clay Minerals. 44, 435-454.
Proyectos de Investigación en Curso: Cristaloquímica, génesis y propiedades de la serie polisomatica sepiolita-palygorskita. Nuevos interrogantes. CGL2012-35475. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.INVESTIGADOR RESPONSABLE: Mercedes Suárez Barrios
Documentos relacionados con la docencia:
Cartografía de campo digital en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Geológicas. (2010) DVD. ISBN: 978-84-96703-20-9
Proyecto de Innovación Docente (2008): El Sureste de España: Un patrimonio geológico en vías de desaparición. DVD. ISBN: 978-84-7491-887-8. Recurso biblioteca: Dv504SUR
R. Oyarzun; E. García-Romero; J.A. López-García; M. Regueiro, & J.A. Molina 2007. Teaching field geology in S.E. Spain: an alternative approach. European Geologist, 24; 6-12 pp.
Textos docentes:
Bentonitas del Sureste de la Península Ibérica
Guía de Campo: las sepiolitas de la Cuenca del Tajo
Editora Asociada en Clays and Clay Minerals