Ayuda para la realización de Tesis Doctoral en el proyecto: ‘Making Waste History? Innovation for sustainable consumption’
21 ene 2020 - 13:44 CET
We’re very pleased to announce a new co-funded PhD position available in the 3S research group and co-supervised by members of the Waste Team at Norfolk County Council. Due to start in October 2020 this position offers full funding for home and EU students and would be based in the School of Environmental Sciences at UEA, Norwich, UK.
Tom Hargreaves (https://3sresearch.org/2019/10/22/tom-hargreaves/) and Gill Seyfang (https://3sresearch.org/2019/10/22/gill-seyfang/) are the academic supervisors on the project entitled: ‘Making Waste History? Innovation for sustainable consumption’. The PhD will research the challenge of ‘Making Waste History’ recognising that this will demand transformative innovation in both the systems that uphold contemporary ways of living (e.g. food, housing, transport etc.) as well as the related social practices that make up normal everyday life (e.g. shopping, holidaying, and employment). This PhD project will develop and test an innovative conceptual approach which recognises that innovation in systems and innovation in practices are fundamentally interconnected, and will apply it to the pressing sustainability challenge of making waste history.
Deadline for Applications: 24th February 2020. For more information about this position and how to apply see here (https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/making-waste-history-innovation-for-sustainable-consumption-hargreavestu20sci50/?p118199)