Rodrigo González Prieto
I developed my doctoral thesis in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) under the direction of doctors Reyes Jiménez Aparicio and José Luis Priego Bermejo. That work focused on the synthesis and characterization of ruthenium dimer compounds and their possible use as molecular materials, with the following highlighted results: (a) development of a general method for the synthesis of dirrutenium(II,III) tetracarboxylates with chloride, bromide and iodide axial ligands (b) demonstration of the possibility to obtain the same carboxylate in the form of polymer chains and discrete dimers, (c) description of a new method for the synthesis of reduced Ru(II)-Ru (II) compounds (d) development of the first studies for the deposition onto surfaces (mica and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite) of isolated chains of dirrutenium tetracarboxylates(II,III) and their subsequent study by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM).
After obtaining my PhD, in 2006 I was awarded with a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral contract, whose work I developed in the Department of Physics of Condensed Matter of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), in the Laboratory of Microscopy of Forces Atomic, directed by Dr. Julio Gómez Herrero. During this period, in close collaboration with the group of Dr. Félix Zamora, from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the UAM, I worked on obtaining, at the nanoscopic level, MMX polymers and other coordination compounds onto surfaces, as well as their study using AFM, characterization technique that I learned to use.
In 2009 I obtained a Postdoctoral contract at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), in Germany. Under the direction of Dr. Mario Ruben I worked on spin transition compounds with the ultimate goal of their use in molecular devices. From this work, it is worth highlighting the study of the adjustment of the spin transition in Fe (II) compounds, varying the length of separation from a pyrene group to the metal center.
In 2011 I got an Assistant Professor Doctor position in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the UCM, a position that I held until February 2016, at which time I was hired by the UCM as Visiting Professor until June 24, 2016, date on the that I became an Interim Doctor Contracted Professor. Since May of 2019 I am a Contracted Doctor Professor in that Department.
I have co-directed, together with Dr. José Luis Priego Bermejo, the PhD thesis of Dr. Patricia Delgado Martínez, focused on solvothermal and microwave-assisted synthesis of dirrutenium tetraamidates.