Másteres oficiales

Noticias - Máster Universitario en Física Teórica

PhD grant on theory of quantum fluids available at UPC (Barcelona)

14 oct 2024 - 14:56 CET

We have an opening for a theoretical PhD grant with an imminent starting date (01/01/2025) in our Barcelona Quantum Monte-Carlo (BQMC) group at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, in downtown Barcelona.
Our group focuses on the study of quantum gases, liquids and solids, by means of an ample spectrum of techniques which include Quantum Monte-Carlo and other many-body methods (e.g., diagrammatic, variational, Gross-Pitaevskii, Bethe Ansatz, virial expansion, ...).
The main topics of interest of our group are:
- dynamics and thermodynamics of ultracold quantum mixtures and dipolar gases
- superfluidity and supersolidity
- quantum vortices and turbulence
- quantum simulation of continuum and lattice models, disordered systems, open systems and quantum chemistry 
- transport properties in 2D materials
This is a 4-years grant, open to applicants of all nationalities who will have terminated their Master studies by the end of 2024.
Contact: Pietro Massignan: pietro.massignan@upc.edu (deadline: 20th of October 2024)

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