Grupos de investigación

Iván Tamaredo


Iván Tamaredo

Profesor Ayudante Doctor

Departamento de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura (UCM)

Despacho: 318.1

Iván Tamaredo es profesor ayudante doctor en el Departamento de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura de la UCM. En 2012 obtuvo la Licenciatura en Filología Inglesa y en 2013 el Máster en Estudios Ingleses, ambos en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Iván defendió su tesis doctoral en 2018 y, a continuación, trabajó como investigador postdoctoral (noviembre 2018 - septiembre 2019) en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela and después como profesor contratado interino (octubre 2019 - agosto 2020) en la Universidad de Vigo. Antes de formar parte de UCM, Iván fue professor ayudante doctor en la Universidad de Salamanca entre octubre de 2020 y octubre de 2021.

Sus áreas de investigación incluyen (i) el estudio cuantitativo de la variación morfosintáctica en dialectos del inglés hablados alrededor del mundo (principalmente las variedades de Gran Bretaña, la India y Singapur), con especial atención a los factores lingüísticos internos y externos que determinan la alternancia entre dos o más estructuras semánticamente equivalentes, y (ii) la influencia de la complejidad lingüística y de la eficiencia comunicativa en la producción oral y escrita de los hablantes de dichas variedades.


Iván Tamaredo is an assistant professor (‘profesor ayudante doctor’) at the Department of English Studies: Language and Literature at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He holds a BA in English Philology (2012) and an MA in English Studies (July 2013) from the University of Santiago de Compostela. He defended his PhD dissertation in 2018 and, after this, worked as a postdoctoral fellow (November 2018-September 2019) at the University of Santiago de Compostela and then as a Lecturer (October 2019-August 2020) at the University of Vigo. Before joining the UCM, Iván held a position as assistant professor at the University of Salamanca from October 2020 to October 2021.

His research interests include (i) the quantitative study of morphosyntactic variation in dialects of English around the world (in particular, British English, Indian English and Singapore English), with special attention to the internal and external linguistic factors that determine the alternation between two or more semantically equivalent structures, and (ii) the influence of linguistic complexity and communicative efficiency on the oral and written production of the speakers of said varieties.


(2021). Review of Verena Schröter, Null subjects in Englishes: A comparison of British English and Asian Englishes (De Gruyter, 2019)Folia Linguistica 55(2). Published online.

(2020). Probabilistic grammars across registers: Pronominal subject expression in some varieties of English. Multiperspectives in analysis and corpus design, ed. by Miguel Fuster-Márquez, Carmen Gregori-Signes & José Santaemilia Ruiz. Granada: Editorial Comares, pp. 47-60.

(2020). Complexity, efficiency, and language contact: Pronoun omission in World Englishes.(Linguistic Insights 270). Bern: Peter Lang. 

(2020). Measuring linguistic distance in World Englishes: Subject pronoun deletion in spoken and written language. In Thresholds and ways forward in English Studies, ed. by Lourdes López Ropero, Sara Prieto García-Cañedo & José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo. Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, pp. 249-261.

(2020). Structural and system complexity in Indian English, Singapore English, and British English: The case of subject pronoun deletion. Advances in English and American Studies: Current developments, future trends, ed. by Pilar Guerrero-Medina, Macarena Palma Gutiérrez & María Valero Redondo. Córdoba: UCOPress / Editorial Universidad de Córdoba, pp. 175-188.

(2020). Probabilistic indigenization effects at the lexis-syntax interfaceEnglish Language and Linguistics 24(2): 413-440. [First author, with Melanie Röthlisberger, Jason Grafmiller & Benedikt Heller.]

(2019). Mark-up and annotation in the Corpus of Historical English Law Reports (CHELAR): Potential for historical genre analysisAtlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies 41(2): 63-84. [Third author, with Paula Rodríguez-Puente & Cristina Blanco-García.]

(2018). A cross-varietal study of pronoun omission in English: Simplification and substrate effects. In Mª Beatriz Hernández, Manuel Brito & Tomás Monterrey, eds. Broadening horizons: A peak panorama of English Studies in Spain. (Documentos congresuales 38). Universidad de La Laguna: Servicio de Publicaciones, 295-306. 

(2018). Pronoun omission in high-contact varieties of English: Complexity vs. efficiency. English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 39(1): 85-110. 

(2017). Syntactic complexity and language contact: A corpus-based study of relative clauses in British English and Indian EnglishAlicante Journal of English Studies 30: 149-182; special issue on "English as a contact language: Variation and diffusion", ed. by José A. Sánchez & Ignacio Palacios.

(2017), ed. New trends and methodologies in applied English language research III: Synchronic and diachronic studies on discourse, lexis and grammar processing. (Linguistic Insights 209). Bern: Peter Lang. [Sixth editor, with Sofía Bemposta-Rivas, Carla Bouzada-Jabois, Yolanda Fernández-Pena, Tamara Bouso & Yolanda J. Calvo-Benzies.]

(2017). The conventionalization of performance preferences: Pronoun omission in Indian English and Singapore English. In Sofía Bemposta et al., eds. New trends and methodologies in applied English language research III: Synchronic and diachronic studies on discourse, lexis and grammar processing (Linguistic Insights 209). Bern: Peter Lang, 161-183.

(2017). The Corpus of Historical English Law Reports 1535-1999 (CHELAR): A resource for analysing the development of English legal discourseICAME Journal 41: 53-82. [Seventh author, with Teresa Fanego, Paula Rodríguez-Puente, María José López-Couso, Belén Méndez-Naya, Paloma Núñez-Pertejo & Cristina Blanco-García.]

(2016). Pronoun omission and agreement: An analysis based on ICE Singapore and ICE IndiaICAME Journal 40: 95-118. [First author, with Teresa Fanego]. 

(2015). Complexity and pronoun drop in contact varieties of English. In Alberto Lázaro Lafuente & María Dolores Porto Requejo, eds. English and American Studies in Spain: New developments and trends. (Obras colectivas: Humanidades 47). Universidad de Alcalá: Servicio de Publicaciones, 235-243.