Daniela Pettersson-Traba
Profesora Ayudante Doctora
Departamento de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura (UCM)
Daniela Pettersson Traba es profesora ayudante doctora en el Departamento de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura de la UCM. En 2014 obtuvo el Grado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesa y en 2015 el Máster en Estudios Ingleses (Premio Extraordinario), ambos en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Daniela realizó la tesis doctoral en esta misma universidad, la cual defendió en 2021. Durante su época predoctoral fue investigadora visitante en la University College London (Reino Unido), KU Leuven (Bélgica) y Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal). Antes de incorporarse a la UCM, Daniela trabajó en las Universidades de Extremadura (2020-2021), Zaragoza (2021-2022) y Autónoma de Madrid (2022).
Su investigación se centra principalmente en el área de la semántica histórica y, en particular, en la relación de la sinonimia, desde la perspectiva de la lingüística cognitiva y la lingüística basada en el uso. Daniela ha publicado sus trabajos en revistas como Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (De Gruyter) y Corpora (Edinburgh University Press). Asimismo, ha presentado su investigación en conferencias internacionales como ICAME y ICEHL.
Daniela Pettersson-Traba is an assistant professor (‘profesora ayudante doctor’) at the Department of English Studies: Language and Literature at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). She holds a BA in English Language and Literature (2014) and an MA in English Studies (2015; Extraordinary Award), both from the University of Santiago de Compostela. She carried out her PhD at this same university and defended it in March, 2021. As a predoctoral researcher, Daniela was a visiting scholar at University College London (United Kingdom), KU Leuven (Belgium), and the Portuguese Catholic University (Portugal). Before joining the UCM, Daniela worked at the Universities of Extremadura (2020-2021) and Zaragoza (2021-2022), and the Autonomous University of Madrid (2022).
As a researcher, she is primarily interested in historical semantics, particularly in the semantic relation of synonymy, which she approaches from the perspective of cognitive and usage-based linguistics. Her work has been published in journals like Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (De Gruyter) and Corpora (Edinburgh University Press). Moreover, she has presented her work at international conferences such as ICAME and ICEHL.
(2024). Mind, language and society: Theoretical and descriptive approaches in cognitive linguistics. Cognitive Linguistic Studies 11(1): 1-7. [with Mario Serrano-Losada].
- (2024). Ed., with Mario Serrano-Losada. Cognitive approaches to mind, language and society: Theory and description. Special issue of Cognitive Linguistic Studies 11(1).
- (2023). Sobre la interrelación entre lengua y sociedad: la industrialización como motor del cambio semántico en el dominio del olfato. Revista Española De Lingüística, 53(1), 199-228.
- (2022). The Development of the Concept of SMELL in American English: A usage-based view of near-synonymy (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics [ACL] Series 51). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN: 9783110792294.
- (Forthcoming in 2022). "Ongoing semantic change in a modernizing society: A look at some adjectives from the olfactory domain in the Corpus of Historical American English". Corpora 17(3).
- (2022). Review of Paula Rautionaho, Arja Nurmi & Juhani Klemola, eds. Corpora and the changing society. Studies in the evolution of English. (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2020). ICAME Journal 46.
- (2022). "Distributional changes in synonym sets: The case of fragrant, scented, and perfumed in 19th- and 20th-century American English". In English Historical Linguistics: Historical English in Contact, ed. by Bettelou Los, Chris Cummins, Lisa Gotthard, Alpo Honkapohja & Benjamin Molineaux. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, vol. 359). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 120-141.
- (2021). "A diachronic perspective on near-synonymy: The concept of SWEET-SMELLING in American English". Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 17(2): 319-349.
- (2021). II Encontro da Mocidade Investigadora. A investigación predoutoral na USC: cara os novos retos sociais. Santiago de Compostela, 29-31 de xaneiro de 2014. Libro de resumos. (Colección cursos e congresos da USC, vol. 259). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. ISBN 978-84-18445-32-3. [Segunda editora, con Cristina Blanco-García.]
- (2020). "Lexical variation in the history of American English: Attraction and differentiation in a synonym set". In Thresholds and Ways Forward in English Studies, ed. by Lourdes López Ropero, Sara Prieto García-Cañedo & José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo. Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, pp. 235-248. ISBN: 978-84-1302-079-2.
- (2020). "Modeling the choice of near-synonyms in the recent history of American English: The case of fragrant, perfumed and scented". In Advances in English and American Studies: Current developments, future trends, ed. by Pilar Guerrero-Medina, Macarena Palma Gutiérrez & María Valero Redondo. Córdoba: UCOPress / Editorial Universidad de Córdoba, pp. 149-162. ISBN: 978-84-9927-546-8.
- (2019). "Measuring semantic distance across time: An analysis of the collocational profiles of a set of near synonyms in American English". Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science 6(2): 138-165.
- (2018). "Revisiting you know and I mean: Some notes on the functions of the two pragmatic markers in contemporary spoken American English." Research in Corpus Linguistics 6: 67-81.