High performance lighting systems design
The color and lighting team from the Applied Optics Complutense Group is an interdisciplinary group of professors from the Universidad Complutense and Universidad Politécnica of Madrid that has been developing its research and teaching work closely with the business for over 25 years in the field of lighting and color.
Its main lines of work are: the optical design of non-image forming systems (lights, concentrators, etc ...), calculation and simulation of optical components for LED lighting, daylighting systems, characterization and measurement of lighting, color evaluation both in light sources and and measure of reflection in different materials.
As an example, actually we are working in a project with Institute of Cultural Heritage that involves the reflectance measurement of the Altamira's cave.
Currently consists of a large group of doctors with extensive experience, technical and support staff as well as several PhD students with many different investigation lines. For example we are working in different light guiding techniques for hollow light guides.