Congreso internacional
Crossing the Political Divide: Transborder Workers during the Cold War between Eastern, Western and Southern Europe
International Workshop
March 24-25, 2022, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Salón de Grados (first floor)
C/ Profesor Aranguren s/n, 28040 Madrid
Organized by Dr. Sarah Lemmen, Departamento de Historia Moderna e Historia Contemporánea, UCM.
This workshop is funded by the research project “Trabajadores transfronterizos y paisajes de encuentro en la Europa de la Guerra Fría: Una microhistoria de las migraciones temporales” (Ayudas para la realización de proyectos I+D, no. PR65/19-22442), and is part of the research network REIECO.
Thursday, March 24
9:30 Introduction (Sarah Lemmen)
10:00-13:30 Panel I: Informal and illegal cross-border relations
- Robert Andrzejczyk (Rzeszów): Seafarers as Liaisons between the Polish People's Republic and the West. Smuggling and Trading Activities
- Sarah Lemmen (Madrid): Up and down the river Elbe: Czechoslovak Bargemen between East and West
Break (11:30-12:00)
- Matthias Kaltenbrunner (Vienna): Racing Drivers and Mechanics: Vienna as hub of the Informal Car Market in the 1980s
- Sana Benbelli and Abdallah Zouhairi (Casablanca): Postcolonial Mobilities: Cross-border Women Workers between Ceuta and Morocco
16:00-18:00 Panel II: Professional Border Crossings between East and West
- Mariia Zimina (Giessen): Think Globally, Act Locally: Soviet Correspondent Network Abroad in the 1950s
- Pavel Mücke (Prague): Czechoslovak Introducers to the Cold War International Reality/ies: A short look at ČEDOK’s tourism branches abroad and their staff (1948–1989)
- José M. Faraldo Jarillo (Madrid): Disappointments at the other side. Working on a New Opera in Madrid (1964-1966).
Friday, March 25
9:00-11:00 Panel III: Guest workers between East and West
- Brigitte Le Normand (Maastricht): Everyday life of Yugoslav guest workers, in their own words
- Carlos J. Sanz (Madrid): Spanish Migrant Workers in West Germany between Dictatorship and Democracy (1960-1980): a Microhistory of the Cold War
- Luis G. Martínez del Campo (Madrid): Caught in the Crossfire. Spanish Cross-Border Workers and Franco’s Coercive Diplomacy in Gibraltar, 1945-1975
11:30-13:30 Panel IV: Academics abroad
- Irina Nastasă-Matei (Bucharest): Cold War Mobilities: Students and Researchers from Socialist Countries in West Germany
- Sławomir Łukasiewicz (Lublin/Harvard): Foreign Stipends founded for the Professors and Lecturers of the Catholic University of Lublin during the Cold War
- Carolina Rodríguez López (Madrid): Creating Experts for Francoist Spain: Scholarships and Projects of the Fundación del Amo in the United States in the Cold War
13:30-14:00 Final discussion