Congratulations!, you reach my Homepage
This is José María Ortiz de Zárate Leira. I’m Associate Professor at the Structure of Matter Department of the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain.
My Homepage covers topics that are interesting to me. I hope you may find something helpful to you.
You can reach me for any comment or suggestion about these pages at:
Teaching: I’m currently teaching "Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics" and "Thermodynamics Laboratory".
Research: I pursue (or have pursued) three main research lines:
- Fluctuating Hydrodynamics. In particular as applied to long-range correlations in fluids outside of equilibrium.
- Measurement of the thermal conductivity of liquids and solids by the hot-wire technique.
- Membrane transport induced by temperature gradients. This was my Ph.D. topic, not very active lately.
Spanish scientists of historical interest: This is another topic I'm interested in. See here some stuff I have published about this topic.
External consultancy: I also did some external consultancy, mainly on database management and maintenance. Some of my latest customers include:
"Draft: Promoción de Mercados, S.A."
"Expresso Bibliográfico, S.R.L."
"Ingeniería y Conservación Eléctrica, S.L."
"Siena, S.A."
"Promo-Soft", S.L.
ORCID id: 0000-0002-5039-4410
ResearcherID: C-3268-2011
Google Scholar: jiiCWfXdJywC
