Full Professor Ph.D José Antonio Sotelo Navalpotro
JOSÉ ANTONIO SOTELO NAVALPOTRO (Madrid, 1956) is Full Professor of Regional Geographic Analysis at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Ph.D. in Geography in 1986 and Ph.D. in Environmental Science (Policy) in 2003 from the ComplutenseUniversity of Madrid. His thesis on “La incidencia de la informática en la economía española. Un estudio geográfico”, directed by Professor Ph.D. Joaquín Bosque Maurel, and “Implicaciones territoriales de los Modelos de Organización y Desarrollo Regional. Estudio de caso: España”, directed by Professor Ph.D. Alejandro López López , were rated Outstanding cum Laude .
Exercises his teaching at the UCM since 1986 and is Director of the University Institute of Environmental Sciences (IUCA) since November 2013, previously Secretary General and Deputy Director. In turn, is Director and Principal Investigator of the Research Group “Development Planning and Environmental Management of the Territory” (UCM- 930 539 ), formed in 1996 and validated by the UCM in 2006.
His teaching, speaker and researcher is supported by obtaining Six “Teachers Quinquenniums” (“Quinquenios”) and five “Six-year Research” (“Sexenios”), all consecutive and "alive". Directs the prestigious journals “Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid”, “Observatorio Medioambiental”, Apuntes de Medio Ambiente and M + A Revista Electrónica de Medio Ambiente.
Received the First Prize of the International Congress: “Ambiente e Desenvolvimiento sustentable ás portas do terceiro milenio”, Castelo Branco (Portugal), from 25 to 27 November 1999, the Second Prize (Accésit), Environment of the City of Madrid, 1999, Research wing, and the Accésit for the monograph “Riesgos naturales y tecnológicos en España, hoy” in the First Competition of Outreach of the UCM. It is part of many national and international scientific committees (Secretary of Spanish Scientific Committee IHDP, etc.)
Author of more than twenty books of his specialty, published in prestigious publishers as Oxford University Press, Espasa-Calpe, RBA, Planeta, Síntesis, among others, and author of more than a hundred high level scientific articles, published in high impact Scientific Journals, such as " Environmental Science and Policy," Estudios Geográficos, Investigaciones Geográficas… Among his recent publications are most relevant;
SOTELO, J.A.. SOTELO, M. (2013) "Canales, sifones y almenaras. El impacto ambiental de las infraestructuras del Canal de Isabel II (Madrid)". Investigaciones Geográficas.
SOTELO, J.A., SOTELO, M. y GARCÍA, F. (2013):"Water Supply and Water Footprint in the Urban Region of Madrid (Spain)". International Journal of Business and Social Science. 4,
SOTELO, J.A., GARCÍA, F. y SOTELO, M. (2012): Evaluation of tourism development in the National Parks of Spain, International Journal of Bussiness and Social Science, vol. 3, nº 14, pp. 1-7.
SOTELO, J.A., OLCINA, J., GARCÍA, F. y SOTELO, M. (2012): Huella hídrica de España y su diversidad territorial. Madrid, Estudios Geográficos, nº 272, pp. 239-272.
SOTELO, J.A., TOLÓN, A. y LASTRA, X. (2012): Territorial distribution of transport emissions reduction targets from an environmental economic and social viewpoing.Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 16, pp. 97-113.
SOTELO, J.A., TOLÓN, A. y LASTRA, X. (2011): Indicadores por y para el desarrollo sostenible, un estudio de caso. Estudios Geográficos, vol. 72, nº 271, pp. 61