
Latest research

miRNA-based therapies in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: advances and future challenges

Trends in Immunol (2020)

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microRNA fine-tuning of the germinal center response

Frontiers in Immunology (2021)


miR28-based combination therapy impairs aggressive B Cell Lymphoma growth by rewiring DNA replication

Cell Death & Disease (2023)

Divulgación de los resultados de la publicación en medios de comunicación y noticas: Otri UCM; Noticias CAM; La Sexta; BioTech; InfoSalud

microRNA fine-tuning of the germinal center response

Frontiers in Immunology (2021)



miRNA-based therapies in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: advances and future challenges

Review Trends Immunol (2020)