
Functional contribution of microRNAs to oncogenic B cell transformation.

The main interest of the group is the characterization of the role of microRNAs in the regulation of mature B cell biology and oncogenic transformation processes. Current research lines aim at characterizing two specific aspects about the functional contribution of miRNAs to oncogenic B cell transformation to identify novel therapeutic targets for GC-derived lymphoma treatment:


  1.  To characterize molecular mechanisms underlying the tumor-suppressor properties of miR-28, a GC-specific miRNA whose expression is reduced in several types of primary B cell lymphomas that originate in GC B cells, including the aggressive Burkitt lymphoma (BL) and Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL).
  2. To determine the impact of AID mutagenic activity on miRNA repertoire and its contribution to mature B cell transformation by promoting the escape from miRNA posttranscriptional gene expression regulation.