
T cell physiopathology


Semana de la Ciencia 2021

En estas jornadas, expertos en diversos campos de investigación, proporcionan la excusa perfecta para explicar, entender y desvelar los mitos y realidades de la ciencia en el cine. . Es también una gran oportunidad para Universitarios e Investigadores de aprender a difundir su trabajo en distintos campos de investigación de una manera amena.

JACI 2024
TCR signal strength controls gd T cell differentiation. Nat Immunol 2016.
TCR signal strength controls gd T cell differentiation. Nat Immunol 2016. 
"All models are wrong but some are useful" 1978, George Box, Bristish mathematician.



TCRID diagnostic flowchart (Front Immunol 2015)
TCRID diagnostic flowchart (Front Immunol 2015)



The gd TCR does not require the CD3 conformational change (Cell Reports 2014)
The gd TCR does not require the CD3 conformational change (Cell Reports 2014)


Our work is*/was funded by 

*MICINN network on complement. Ref RED2022-134750-T

*Comunidad de Madrid network on complement-III. Ref. P2022/BMD-7278

*MICINN grant on lymphoma T cell models. Ref. PID2021-125501OB-I00

*AECC strategic projects 2020 on Sézary syndrome, Ref. PROYE20084REGU. 

*Comunidad de Madrid grant on COVID19, 2022, Ref, PR38/21-13 ANTICIPA-CM

MICINN grant on TCR-CR crosstalking, Ref. PID2021-125501OB-I00

Comunidad de Madrid network on complement-II. Ref. B2017/BMD3673

MICIU/MAETD grant on TCR physiopahology, Ref. RTI2018-095673-B-I00

The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, preparation of manuscripts or decision to publish.


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Libros sobre Inmunología

Henry Kunkel's cottage name and mentoring method