Enrolment in PhD programmes

Deadlines: October 17. - 29., 2019
How to register:
  • Online: Students with no access to internet may enrol in the general computer rooms at faculties. The first step is to activate an email account @ucm. You can get the "código de activación" (password) with your admission or on website.
  • In person, only if there are problems with the online registration: the application form needs to be printed, signed and handed in at the Student Office of the Faculty where the PHD programme is held.
Registration rules 2019-2020
Supporting documentation: Application form or the online receipt and the documents scanned during the application process must be hand in at the Student Office in which the PhD programme is to be held. If you have difficulties to hand out some document in the enrolment deadline, you have until November 30., 2019 to do it.

All students must be aware that if the documents are submitted in person, both the original and a copy are required. In case they are sent by certified mail, the documents must be attested copies -except for the national identity card-.
Payment terms: A fee is needed for the "tutela de la tesis" (supervision and academic adscription) each academic year in which the student is registered.

There are two payment options
  • Full payment
  • Payment in three instalments (only for registrations above 350 euros): 
    • 1st instalment: 50% to be satisfied until November 12., 2019.
    • 2nd instalment: 25% until December 13., 2019.
    • 3rd instalment: 25% until January 12. , 2020.
Tuition fees for each academic year are approved in July by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Tuition fees 2019-2020
Cancellation / Refund:
  • Cancellation: at the Student Office of the Faculty where the PhD programme is held until November 30., 2019.
Web: http://www.ucm.es/matriculadoctorado
Administrative Office: Sección de Tercer Ciclo y Estudios de Posgrado