Institutos Universitarios





"Label, system and method for long distance object detection", registered as an international patent on 27/03/2017 under filing no. PCT/ES 2017/000035, published 19 October 2017 under publication no. WO 178 668 A1. Licensed to the   company INPROTEC LOSS PREVENTION TECHNOLOGIES. Inventors: Pilar Marín


"Noble metal magnetic nanoparticles" Industrial invention patent with priority number ES200400735 dated 25/03/2004 and publication number WO400735. Licensed to the company MIDATECH ANDALUCÍA S.L., since 24 July 2007. International extension PCT/ES2005/070035 US PATENT APPLICATION 05735150.4 AUSTRALIAN PATENT APPLICATION 2005226898 CANADIAN PATENT APPLICATION 2,560,892 JAPANISH PATENT APPLICATION 2007-  504428. Inventors: M.A.Fernández Camacho, R.Litrán Ramos, T.C.Rojas Ruiz, J.C.Sanchez López, A.Hernando, P.Crespo, B.Sampedro


"Intraurethral magnetically actuated artificial sphincter for female patients". No. WO 2004/037134 A1, application date 22/10/2002. Licensed to the company LABORATORIOS INDAS, S.A. (SPAIN). Inventors: G.Rivero, M.Multigner, J.M.García Paez, J.Carballido Rodríguez, E.Jorge Herrero, la Sierra Flores, C.Oliver, M.Martín, P.Lafont, H.Lorenzo, P.Ortego.


"Method of manufacturing and processing of amorphous metal microwires coated with insulating sheath with high magnetic properties" Industrial invention patent with priority number ES19970001488 19970704 and publication number ES2138906 (B1). Licensed to the company APLICACIONES MAGNÉTICAS S.A. (MICROMAG), granted on 1 October 2000.  Inventors: M.Vázquez, A.Hernando, P.Marín, A.Zhukov, V.Larin, A.Torcunov, A.Antonenco.