Who can participate?
“They can only be students of secondary school. If they have already graduated before the competition, the organizer must be informed about the date of their graduation.”
Participant students must have been born on the 1st July 1995 or later.
The requisite of information about Secondary Education Grade is accomplished when Registration Form is completed.
Participant students can not have begun their University Studies on 23 Sept 2014, when they arrive to Santander.
What kind of photographs should we send after registation?
We require the following photographs:
We don't need a copy of your passport!
May I have a formal invitation?
Some delegations may need a formal invitation to apply for Spanish visas. Please, write to oict@ucm.es and we'll send you the invitation.Do I need a visa to enter Spain?
The Spanish Foreing Office do have a page devoted to foreing visitors (http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/en/ServiciosAlCiudadano/InformacionParaExtranjeros/Paginas/RequisitosDeEntrada.aspx) but the list of country-requirements is not translated... lets try to help
List of countries whose citizens need or not a visa:
The list is writen in Spanish but:
What Bank informatio do I need to transfer the participation fees?
Facultad de Geología.Universidad Complutense
C/ Jose Antonio Novais, 12
28040 Madrid - Spain
Caja de Ingenieros
C/ Carranza, 5
28004 Madrid