Studies and Briefs
Beyond 2015: Perspectives and Proposals for Development Cooperation between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Compromiso Global por un desarrollo incluyente y sostenible.
José Antonio Alonso (director)
Date of Publication: 02/2014
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This study was originally commissioned by the Secretary General of International Cooperation for Development (SGCID) of the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, with the goal of providing counsel and technical proposals for domestic and international development efforts in order to better inform relevant actors of a new agenda within the process of international development post-2015. Under the direction of José Antonio Alonso, professor of Applied Economics at the Complutense University of Madrid and member of the Committee for Development Policy, of the United Nations, a team has formed with a membership from a variety of academic institutions, think tanks, and universities. Specifically, active contributors to this project include the Institute Complutense of International Studies (ICEI), Center for Development Innovation and Technology, of the Politécnica University of Madrid (ITDUPM), CECOD of CEU San Pablo University, the Navarra Center for International Development, CIDOB and King Juan Carlos University. As part of its original purpose, this study focuses on aspects of the new agenda that one might consider controversial, or at least aspects that have previously not been well-defined in an international context. The study does not intend to reiterate common knowledge, but rather to contribute a degree of information, analysis and reflection to a global process that demands international input, involvement and commitment.
This study is offered as an open dialogue to relevant actors within Spanish society and development. Given the importance and complexity of the subject matter, one should expect to find a degree of controversy, of passionate proposals for a more equitable and sustainable development process on a global scale. The primary role the public in the debate surrounding this study will hopefully arouse interest and reflection among those who represent Spain at an international level.
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