Books and book chapters
- New publication by ICEI research associate Andoni Montes, together with Jorge Moreno.
"Accelerating the Ecological Transition: The Border Adjustment Mechanism and Fiscal Union"
in "The Future of the European Union: Contributions to the conference", Basque Council of the
European Movement, EuroBasque. (in Spanish) - New publication by ICEI researcher Gemma Durán Romero, "Sustainability, Ecoinnovation and
Circular Economy”, in Patón, G. (dir.) and Salassa, R. (coord.) Current Trends in Circular
Economy: financial and fiscal instruments”, Editorial Aranzadi (Thomson Reuters), Madrid. (in
Spanish) - New publication by ICEI researcher Araceli Mangas Martín, " Eduardo Dato's foreign policy:
Spanish neutrality in the First World War. Perspective from the International Law", in Eduardo
Dato: consensus builder. Commemoration of the centenary of his assassination (1921-2021),
Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, Boletín Oficial del Estado, Madrid, 2021, pp. 79-
93. (in Spanish)