Grupos de investigación

Luis G. Martínez del Campo

Luis Gonzaga MARTÍNEZ DEL CAMPO es investigador “Ramón y Cajal” en Historia Contemporánea en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Tras doctorarse (con mención europea) por la Universidad de Zaragoza en 2014, disfrutó de contratos postdoctorales en las universidades de Concepción (Chile), Essex (Reino Unido) y Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (País Vasco, España). Su investigación aborda la historia de la diplomacia cultural española, prestando especial atención a la articulación de la enseñanza de la lengua castellana como un recurso de poder blando. Sus publicaciones han aparecido en Contemporary European History, Ayer y el Journal of Borderlands Studies, así como en varias obras colectivas. Es autor del libro Cultural Diplomacy: A Hundred Years of History of the British- Spanish Society (Liverpool University Press, 2016), que examina la historia de una institución cultural que medió en las relaciones entre el Reino Unido y el mundo hispanohablante en el siglo XX.

Luis Gonzaga MARTÍNEZ-DEL-CAMPO is ‘Ramón y Cajal’ Research Fellow in Contemporary History at the Complutense University of Madrid. After completing a PhD (European distinction) at the University of Zaragoza in 2014, he held postdoctoral positions at the Universidad de Concepción (Chile), University of Essex (UK) and Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Basque Country, Spain). His research explores the history of Spanish cultural diplomacy, with a special focus on the emergence of Spanish language education as a soft-power resource. His works have appeared in Contemporary European History, Ayer and the Journal of Borderlands Studies, as well as in several edited volumes. He is the author of Cultural Diplomacy: A Hundred Years of History of the British- Spanish Society (Liverpool University Press, 2016), which examines the history of a cultural institution at the heart of the relationship between Britain and the Spanish-speaking world in the twentieth century.

Líneas de investigación / Research Lines

  • Diplomacia cultural española en el siglo XX / Twentieth-Century Spanish cultural diplomacy.
  • Gibraltar y otros enclaves mediterráneos en el siglo XX / Twentieth-Century Gibraltar and other Mediterranean enclaves.
  • La diplomacia lingüística española / Spanish Linguistic Diplomacy.
  • Historia de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la lengua española / History of Spanish language education.
  • Migraciones y emociones en la historia / Migrations and emotions in history.
  • La masculinidad en la España de principios del siglo XX / Masculinity in early Twentieth-Century Spain.
  • Estrategias y técnicas de evaluación formativa en educación superior / Formative Assessment Techniques in Higher Education.

Publicaciones / Publications

Libros / Books

Artículos / Journal Papers

Capítulos de libro / Chapters in edited books

  • MARTÍNEZ DEL CAMPO, L.G. & ALTONAGA BEGOÑA, B. (2023), «Una relación productiva: la historia contemporánea y los estudios culturales» en La Historia habitada: Sujetos, procesos y retos de la historia contemporánea del siglo XXI, coord. Francisco Acosta, Ángel Duarte, Elena Lázaro & María José Ramos Roví, Córdoba: UCOPress/Universidad de Córdoba.
  • MARTÍNEZ DEL CAMPO, L.G; CANESSA, A; & ORSINI, G. (2019). «"Franco Lives!" Spanish Fascism and the Creation of a British Gibraltarian Identity» in Bordering on Britishness. National Identity in Gibraltar from the Spanish Civil War to Brexit, ed. by Andrew Canessa, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 167–193.
  • MARTÍNEZ DEL CAMPO, L.G; CANESSA, A; and ORSINI, G. (2019). «A New British Subject: The Creation of a Common Ethnicity in Gibraltar» in Bordering on Britishness. National Identity in Gibraltar from the Spanish Civil War to Brexit, ed. by Andrew Canessa, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 121–141.
  • ORSINI, G; CANESSA, A; and MARTÍNEZ DEL CAMPO, L.G. (2019), «Governing Through the Border: (Post)colonial Governmentality in Gibraltar» in Bordering on Britishness. National Identity in Gibraltar from the Spanish Civil War to Brexit, ed. by Andrew Canessa, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 195–216.
  • ORSINI, G; CANESSA, A; & MARTÍNEZ DEL CAMPO, L.G. (2018). «Gibraltar as a Gated Community: A Critical Look at Gibraltarian Nationalism» in Barrier and Bridge: Spanish and Gibraltarian Perspectives on Their Border, edited by Andrew Canessa, Brighton / Portland / Toronto: Sussex Academic Press / Canada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies, LSE, 163–184. ISBN 978-1-84519-905-0.
  • ORSINI, G; CANESSA, A; & MARTÍNEZ DEL CAMPO, L.G. (2018). «Small Territories/Big Borders: Gibraltar, Lampedusa, and Melilla» in Barrier and Bridge: Spanish and Gibraltarian Perspectives on Their Border, edited by Andrew Canessa, Brighton / Portland / Toronto: Sussex Academic Press / Canada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies, LSE, 22–43. ISBN 978-1-84519-905-0.
  • MARTÍNEZ DEL CAMPO, L.G; CANESSA, A; & ORSINI, G. (2018). «"An Example to the World!" Multiculturalism in the Creation of a British Gibraltarian Identity» in Barrier and Bridge: Spanish and Gibraltarian Perspectives on Their Border, ed. by Andrew Canessa, Brighton / Portland / Toronto: Sussex Academic Press / Cañada Blanch Centre, LSE, 102–124. ISBN 978-1-84519-905-0.
  • MARTÍNEZ DEL CAMPO, L.G. (2018). «A Utilitarian Subject. The Introduction of Spanish Language in British Schools in the Early Twentieth Century» in The History of Language Learning and Teaching. Volume II. 19th-20th Century Europe, eds. by Nicola McLelland and Richard Smith, Cambridge: Legenda, 179–195. 
  • MARTÍNEZ DEL CAMPO, L.G. (2018). «How to Be an Intellectual» in Spain in the Nineteenth Century: New Essays on Spanish Culture and Society, eds. by Andrew Ginger and Geraldine Lawless, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 233–249.