Rafael Salas
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Departamento de Análisis Económico y Economía Cuantitativa
Despacho 307 del pabellón de 3º
Email: r.salas at ucm.es
Experiencia Docente:
Microeconomía Avanzada
Economía Pública
Economía de la Información
Teoria de juegos
Áreas de Interés:
Economía Pública
Economía del Bienestar
Publicaciones Seleccionadas:
"Impact of London Toxicity Change and Ultra Low Emission Zone on NO2” (with J. Prieto, M.J. Pérz Villadóniga, A. Russo), Transport Policy, 2022. Forthcoming.
- "Ideology, policy decision-making and envairomental impact in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic in the US" (with J. Prieto, D. Noonan, F. Cabeza-Martinez and J. Ramos-Gutiérrez), Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2022.
- “A Local Equivalent Scales and its Information Basis” Economics Letters, Vol. 216, 2022, (with A. Grodner, Casilda Lasso de la Vega and L. Zeager),
- "Were traffic restrictions in Madrid effective at reducing NO2 levels?”, Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol 91, 2021, (with María José Pérez Villadóniga, Juan Prieto and Ana Russo).
- "The Measurement of Wage Discrimination with Perfect Information: A Finite Mixture Approach”, Research on Economic Inequality, Vol 28, pp. 187-204, 2020, (with Juan Prieto and Juan Gabriel Rodríguez).
- "Second-Order Discrimination and Generalized Lorenz Dominance", The Review of Income and Wealth, 64, 517-736, 2018 (with J. Bishop and A. Lester).
- "Inequality, Asymmetry, the Median-Mean Ratio, and Social Welfare", International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 24 No. Suppl. 1, 129-150, 2016, (with J.G. Rodríguez).
- "The Gini Coefficient: Majority Voting and Social Welfare", Journal of Economic Theory, 152, 214-223, 2014, (con J.G. Rodríguez).
- "Majority voting and Gini-based social welfare: testing the hypothesis of symmetry", Applied Economics Letters, 2014, (con J.G. Rodríguez).
- "Popular Support for Egalitarian Social Welfare",Social Choice and Welfare, 40, 985-1014, 2013, (con J.G. Rodríguez).
- "Changes over time in parental education and inequality of opportunities in Chile", Research on Economic Inequality, 2011. Vol 19. Ed: J. Bishop and J.G. Rodríguez (with A. Báez and J. Prieto).
- "Income Mobility and Economic Inequality from a Regional Perspective", Journal of Applied Economics, 2010, (con J. Prieto y J.G. Rodríguez).
- "Quantifying fear: the social impact of terrorism", Journal of Policy Modelling, 31, 803-817, 2009 (with J. Prieto, J.G. Rodríguez and S. Pandiello).
- “A study on the relationship between economic inequality and mobility”, Economics Letters, 99, 111-114, 2008 (con J. Prieto y J.G. Rodríguez).
- “Partial-horizontal inequity orderings: a non-parametric approach”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 67, 347-368, 2005 (con J.G. Rodríguez e I. Perrote).
- "Redistribution and Labour Supply", Journal of Economic Inequality, 3, 104-124, 2005 (with J. Onrubia and J.F. Sanz).
- “Extended bi-polarization and inequality measures”, in Research on Economic Inequality, 9, 69-83, Bishop y Amiel (eds.), Elsevier Science, 2003 (con J.G. Rodríguez).
Working Papers:
“Ideology, policy decision-making and environmental impact in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic in the US” (with J. Prieto, D. Noonan, F. Cabeza-Martinez and J. Ramos-Guitiérrez), (2021), MedRxiv.
- “The Impact of London Traffic Restrictions: Effective but Insufficient” (with J. Prieto, M.J. Pérez-Villádoniga and A. Russo), (2021) SSRN Papers.
- "Restricting Traffic into the City Centre: Has Madrid Central Been Effective to Reduce No2 Levels?" (with J. Prieto, M.J. Pérez-Villádoniga and A. Russo), (2019).
Nada es Gratis:
- “Precio de la luz y derechos de emisión de CO2”, Rafael Salas y Francisco Álvarez, Julio 2021
- “¿Se puede ser optimista sobre los efectos del confinamiento sobre el sistema de salud?”, Juan Prieto y Rafael Salas, Abril 2020.
- “Diferencias entre el exceso de mortalidad en España debido al COVID-19 y los datos oficiales”, Rafael Salas y Juan Prieto, Abril 2020.
- “La efectividad de las medidas de confinamiento en Europa”, Juan Prieto y Rafael Salas, Abril 2020.
- "¿Qué podemos y qué no podemos decir sobre la efecividad de Madrid Central?" Rafael Salas, María José Pérez Villadóniga and Juan Prieto, Julio 2019
Web Personal: http://www.salasweb.info/