Íñigo Herguera García
- Licenciado en Economía,Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 1987
- Diplom in European Studies, Universitaet des Saarlandes, 1988
- Ph. D. in Economics, European University Institute (Florencia), Department of Economics, 1994
1. Publications
* ”Models for individual adoption of eCommerce, eBanking and eGovernment in Spain”: Telecommunications Policy, with. T. Pérez, T. Garín, R. López, A. Valarezo, (43), 1, 2019 pp. 100- 111.
* "Drivers and barriers to cross-border e-commerce: evidence from Spanish individual behavior", Telecommunications Policy, with T. Pérez, T. Garín, R. López, A. Valarezo, (42), 6, 2018 pp. 464- 473.
* "E-commerce by individuals in Spain using panel data 2008- 2016", Telecommunications Policy, 44 (2020) 101888,with T. Pérez, T. Garín, R. López, A. Valarezo.
* “Measuring prices in the electronic communications markets: some thoughts about non linear tariffs for mobile phone calls“, with B. García Mariñoso and D. Suárez, en Cuadernos Económicos del Información Comercial Española, No. 81, June 2011.
* "The effect of subsidies to product innovation on international competition", (with S. Lutz), Economics of Innovation and New Technology, October, 2003, 12 (5), pp. 465- 480.
* “Tariffs, Quality Reversals, and Exit in Vertically Differentiated Industries” (with P. Kujal, E. Petrakis), Journal of International Economics, Vol. 58/2, pp. 467- 483, 2002.
* ”Bilateral contracts and the spot market for electricity. Some observations regarding the British and the NordPool experiences”, Utilities Policy, June, No. 9 (2), pp. 73- 80, 2001.
* ”Quantity restrictions and endogenous quality choice”, (with E. Petrakis, P. Kujal), International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 1259-1278, 2000.
* "Oligopoly and quality leap-frogging" (with S. Lutz), The World Economy, 1998, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 75- 94.
* "Regulation and Competition Policy in the EU Telecommunications Industry" (with O. Stehmann), Communications & Strategies, Num. 26, Vol. II, pp. 141-163, 1997
* "Market Structure, exchange rate fluctuations and the pass-through relationship", Economic Notes , vol. 22, no. 2/94, pp. 17- 36, 1994
*“Competencia y regulación de (algunas) plataformas digitales en la UE.” FEDEA, Documentos de Trabajo no. 2021-10, Madrid. https://documentos.fedea.net/pubs/dt/2021/dt2021-10.pdf
2. Recent research projects
2015- 2019: SEC2015/HUM-3494 “Finanzas corporativas. Determinantes de la eficiencia empresarial”, Main researcher in joint project with CEMFI and CSIC and UCM, financed by the Regional Government of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
2019- 2023: H2019/HUM-5859 Project "Mercados, innovación y nuevo ambiente", Main researcher in the joint with CSIC, CEMFI, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, financed by the Regional Government of Madrid and the European Social Fund.
3. Teaching
At the undergraduate level Industrial Economics, Microeconomics, Economics of Information and Introduction to Economics. At the Master level courses taught on Regulation of the telecommunications industry, data analysis and competition (Barcelona School of Economics, Universidad de Baja California, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Fundación Ortega y Gasset, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia).
4. Other experience
Expert advice on telecommunications/ ICT development, indicators and regulatory policy to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the Asian Development Bank, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL/ ECLAC) and several telecommunications regulatory institutions around the world (Jamaica, Mexico, East African Communications Association, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia).
Chair of international expert groups, for the ITU and BEREC (Board of European Regulators for Electronic Communications). Director of the Research and Statistics Department at the Spanish Regulatory Commission for Telecommunications (CMT/ CNMC), 2005- 2015.
Consultant for institutions and private corporations on cases of competition policy, abuse of dominance, mergers and collusion induced harm compensations, as the European Commission (DG Competition), Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios and several private firms.
Despacho: Edificio 1 curso, 301-N
Teléfono - +34- 607084059
Departament of Economic Analysis and Quantitatve Economics
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Campus de Somosaguas
28223 Madrid