Elena Huergo Orejas
Faculty of Economics and Business
Departament of Economic Analysis
Full Professor (Catedrática de Universidad)
Director of the Group for Research in Productivity, Innovation and Competition (GRIPICO)
Coordinator of the PhD Program in Economics
TF: +34 91 394 2370
Room N-113. First building
Microeconomics. Degree in Economics
Microeconomics. Doble Degree in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics
Advanced Microeconomics, MSc in Economics
Research interests:
Industrial Economics: firms' behaviour, productivity and economics of innovation. Impact assessment of public support to business R&D
Recent Publications
"Knowledge agglomeration and public subsidies to business R&D: Evidence for Spanish firms”, With A.J. Guerrero and J. Heijs. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2024.
“Introduction to the special issue on “The Twin (Digital and Green) transition: Handling the economic and social challenges”, With D. Diodato, P. Moncada-Paternò-Castello, F. Rentocchini and B. Timmermans. Industry and Innovation, 2023.
“The effect of technological relatedness on firm sales evolution through external knowledge sourcing”. With A.J. Guerrero and J. Heijs. Journal of Technology Transfer, 2023.
"Growth effects of economic conditions at birth: The role of public funding for technology-based start-ups". With A. López. Economics of Innovation and New Technology. 2022.
“Understanding the heterogeneous additionality of R&D subsidy programs of different government levels”. With A.J. Guerrero and J. Heijs. Industry and Innovation. 2022.
“The role of public loans in financing R&D through the economic cycle". With A. Barajas and L. Moreno. Economia Politica. 2021.
"Organization of R&D outsourcing: Asymmetric cross-effects between locations". With M. García-Vega. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. 2021.
More information about my research:
- Researcher ID: I-3781-2013
- Orcid ID: 0000-0001-7140-7551
- http://ideas.repec.org/e/phu56.html
- https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=WHuCEK4AAAAJ&hl=es
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elena_huergo