Economic policy design and evaluation
- Optimal time-consistent fiscal policy under endogenous growth with elastic labour supply, with R. Pérez y J. Ruiz, 2014, Journal of Macroeconomics, 42, 104-117.
- Optimal time-consistent fiscal policy in an endogenous growth economy with public consumption and capital, with R. Pérez y J. Ruiz, 2014, Journal of Macroeconomics, en prensa. This is the full version, that includes the proofs for Theorems and Corollaries in the published version of the paper.
- Growth, income taxes and consumption aspirations, con G. Marrero, Economics Letters, 2011, 113 , pp. 221-224, DOI information: 10.1016/j.econlet.2011.07.021, ECOLET4923
- Política monetaria antes y después de la crisis financiera, Claves de la Economía Mundial, ICEX-UCM, volumen 10, p. 29-4
- Transitional dynamics and welfare effects of the public investment/output ratio, with G. Marrero, in Journal of Current Issues in Finance and Economics, 1 (4), 14-42, 2008. Reprinted en Economic Dynamics: Theory, Games and Empirical Studies, Nova ed..
- Growth and Welfare: Distorting versus Non-distorting Taxes, with G. Marrero, Journal of Macroeconomics, 27, 3, (2005), 403-433.
- Income taxes, public investment and welfare in a growing economy, with G. Marrero, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31, 10, 3348-3369.
- Dynamic Laffer Effects, with J.Ruiz, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 27 (2002), 181-206
- Indeterminacy under non-separability of public consumption and leisure in the utility function, with E. Fernandez y J. Ruiz, Economic Modelling.
- The role of adjustment costs in interest rate determination, 1992, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 16, 1-25.
- Solving nonlinear rational expectations models: A stochastic, monetary equilibrium model of interest rates, 1990, Econometrica, 58, 1, 93-111.