N119. Pabellón Prefabricado. Campus Somosaguas s/n 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)
Full Professor (Catedrático de Universidad). Department of Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Member of ICAE (Complutense Institute of Economic Analysis)
- Member of the Research Group on Productivity, Innovation and Competition and of the Research Group on Internationalization and Regulation of Market Economies
- Associate Professor (Profesor Titular). Department of Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2017-2021)
Associate Professor (Profesor Contratado Doctor). Department of Economic Analysis II (Quantitative Economics). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. (2013-2017 )
Assistant Professor (Profesor Ayudante Doctor). Department of Economic Analysis II (Quantitative Economics). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. (2008-2013)
Assistant Researcher (Investigador Contratado). Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. (2000-2008)
Tutor (Profesor Tutor) in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. (2000-2008)
Advisor for the Dirección General de Política de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa. Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio (2006-2007)
1. Publications
In English
- Arenas-Díaz, G., Barge-Gil, A. Heijs, J, Marzucchi, A. (2025). The Effect of External Innovation on Firm Employment. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 34(1), 44-69. [More information]
- Antón-Tejón, M., Martínez, C., Albahari, A., Barge-Gil, A. (2024). Science and Technology Parks and Their Effects of the Quality of Tenants' Patents. Journal of Technology Transfer 49, 1846-1879 [More information]
- Barge-Gil, A., Vivas-Augier, C. (2024). Does Cooperation with Universities and KIBS Matter? Firm-level Evidence from Spain. Revista Galega de Economía. 33(3) 9514 [More information]
- Antón-Tejón, M., Barge-Gil, A., Martínez, C., Albahari, A. (2024). Science and Technology Parks and Their Heterogeneous Effect on Firm Innovation. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 73, 101820 [More information]
- Albahari, A., Barge-Gil, A., Pérez-Cantó, S., Landoni, P. (2023). The Effect of Science and Technology Parks on Tenant Firms: A literature review. Journal of Technology Transfer 48, 1489-1531 [More information]
- Di Meglio, G., Barge-Gil, A., Camiña, E., Moreno, L. (2022). Knocking on Employment´s Door: Internships and Job Attainment. Higher Education 83, 137-161 [More information]
- Barge-Gil, A., D'Este, P., Herrera, L. (2021). PhD trained employees and firms’ transitions to upstream R&D activities. Industry and Innovation 28(4), 424-455 [More information]
- Barge-Gil, A., López, A., Nuñez, R. (2020). Technological spillovers from multinational firms. The World Economy 43(12), 3184-3202[More information]
- Topan, L., Castro, C., Jerez, M., Barge-Gil, A. (2020). Oil price pass-through into inflation in Spain at national and regional level. SERIES. Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 11, 561-583 [More information]
- Barge-Gil, A., García-Hiernaux, A. (2020). Staking in sports betting under unknown probabilities: A practical guide for profitable bettors. Journal of Sport Economics. 21(6), 593-609 [More information]
- Arenas, G., Barge-Gil, A., Heijs, J. (2020). The Effect of Innovation on Skilled and Unskilled Workers during Bad Times. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 52, 141-158. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., López, A., Núñez-Sánchez, R. (2019). Estimation of foreign MNEs spillovers in Spain. Applied Economic Letters 26(5), 418-423 [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., Huergo, E., López, A., Moreno, L. (2018). Empirical models of firms' R&D. In Corchón, L., Marini, M. (eds): Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organisation. Edward Elgar. Chelthenam, UK, Northampton, MA, USA., 475-516 [More information]
Albahari, A., Barge-Gil, A., Pérez-Cantó, S., Modrego, A. (2018). The influence of Science and Technology Parks characteristics on firms' innovation results. Papers in Regional Science 97(2), 253-279 [More information]
Albahari, A., Pérez-Cantó, S., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2017). Technology Parks vs. Science Parks: does the university makes the difference? Technological Forecasting and Social Change 116, 13-28. [More information]
Castro, C., Jerez, M., Barge-Gil, A. (2016). The deflationary effect of oil prices in the euro area. Energy Economics 56, 389-397 [More information]
Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2016). Science and Technology Parks and cooperation for innovation: Empirical evidence from Spain. Research Policy 46(1), 137-147. [More information]
Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2016). Which firms benefit more from being located in a Science and Technology Park? Empirical evidence from Spain. Research Evaluation 25(1), 107-117 [More information]
Vivas-Augier, C., Barge-Gil, A. (2015). Impact on firms of the use of knowledge external sources: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Economic Surveys. 29(5), 943-964 [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2015). R versus D: estimating the differentiated effect of research and development on innovation results. Industrial and Corporate Change. 24(1), 93-129 [More information]
Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A. Modrego, A., Paraskevopoulou, E. (2014). The impact of science and technology parks on firms’ product innovation: empirical evidence from Spain. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 24(4),835-873 [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2014). R&D Determinants: Accounting for the Differences between Research and Development. Research Policy. 43(9), 1634-1648 [More information]
Barge-Gil, A. (2013). Open strategies and innovation performance. Industry and Innovation 20(7), 585-610 [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2013). The complementary effect of research and development. Applied Economics Letters 20(15), 1426-1430 [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2013). Relationships among technology institutes and firms: Are determining factors dependent on the type of service provided? Journal of the Knowledge Economy 4(4), 343-369. [More information]
Núñez-Sánchez, R., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2012). Performance of knowledge interactions between public research centres and industrial firms in Spain: a project-level analysis.Journal of Technology Transfer 37(3), 330-354. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., Santamaría, L., Modrego, R. (2011). Complementarities between universities and technology institutes. New empirical lessons and perspectives. European Planning Studies19(2), 195-215. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., Nieto, M.J., Santamaría, L. (2011): Hidden innovators: the role of non-R&D activities. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 23(4), 415-432. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., Modrego-Rico, A. (2011): The impact of research and technology organizations on firm competitiveness. Measurement and determinants. Journal of Technology Transfer. 36(1), 61-83. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A. (2010). Open, semi-open and closed innovators. Towards an explanation of degree of openness. Industry and Innovation 17(6), 577-607 [More information]
Santamaría, L., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2010): Public selection and financing of R&D cooperative projects: Credit versus subsidy funding. Research Policy. 39 (4), 549-563. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A. (2010). Cooperation-based innovators and peripheral cooperators. An empirical analysis of their characteristics and behaviour. Technovation. 30 (3), 185-206 [More information]
Santamaría, L., Nieto, MJ, Barge-Gil, A. (2009): Beyond formal R&D: Taking advantage of other sources of innovation in Low- and Medium-Technology Industries. Research Policy 38(3), 507-517. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2008): Are Technology Institutes a satisfactory tool for public intervention in the area of technology? A neoclassical and evolutionary evaluation. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. 26(4), 808-823. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A, Lemus, A., Núñez, R., Modrego, A. (2007): Research and Technology Organizations: how do they manage their knowledge? International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7(6), 556-575. [More information]
Santamaría, L, Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2007): Which factors underlie public selection of R&D cooperative projects? In Suriñach, J., Moreno, R, Bayá, E.(eds): Knowledge externalities, Innovation Clusters and Regional Development. Ed. Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, UK. Northampton, USA., 219-237. [More information]
Modrego, A., Barge-Gil, A., Núñez, R. (2005): Developing indicators to measure Technology Institutes` performance. Research Evaluation 14(2), 177-184. [More information]
In Spanish
Di Meglio, G., Barge-Gil, A., Camiña, E., Moreno, L. (2019). El impacto de las prácticas en empresas en la inserción laboral: Un análisis aplicado. EducXX1. 22(2), 235-266 [More information]
Modrego, A., Barge-Gil, A. (2019). La I+D en el sector farmacéutico español en el periodo 2003-2015. Papeles de Economía Española 160, 76-93 [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2015). La investigación y el desarrollo como determinantes diferenciados y complementarios de la innovación y la productividad. Cuadernos Económicos de ICE 89, 85-106 [More information]
Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2012). Los parques científicos y tecnológicos españoles, impulsores de la cooperación en innovación. Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía 869, 99-114 [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2011): Realización de I+D y su composición en la empresa manufacturera española: un análisis de los determinantes diferenciados de la investigación y el desarrollo. Economía Industrial 382, 25-34. [More information]
Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2011): El impacto de los parques científicos y tecnológicos españoles sobre la innovación empresarial según distintos tipos de empresas. Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía 860, 73-88. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., Santamaría, L., Modrego, A. (2011): El papel de las universidades y los centros tecnológicos como impulsores de la actividad innovadora. Papeles de Economía Española 127, 59-75. [More information]
Santamaría, L., Nieto, MJ, Barge-Gil, A. (2010): The relevance of different open innovation strategies for R&D performers. Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa 45, 93-114. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A. Modrego-Rico, A. (2009): Ciencia y economía. Arbor CLXXXV (738), 757-766. [More information]
Santamaría, L., Nieto, M.J., Barge-Gil, A. (2009): ¿Hay innovación más allá de la I+D? El papel de otras actividades innovadoras. Universia Business Review 22, 102-117. [Moreinformation]
Callejón, M., Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2007): La cooperación público-privada en innovación a través de los Centros Tecnológicos. Economía Industrial 366, 123-132. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2007): Los Centros Tecnológicos como instrumentos de intervención pública en los Sistemas Regionales de Innovación. En Vence, X. (eds): Crecimiento y políticas de innovación. Ed Pirámide. Madrid., 241-271. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A, Santamaría, L. (2006): El proceso de transferencia tecnológica universidad-empresa. Ed. Fundació Empresa i Ciència. [More information]
Andrés, J., Callejón, M., Barge-Gil, A. (2006): La situación de los objetivos del Milenio a diez años para 2015. En VVAA: Los objetivos del Milenio: movilización social y cambio de políticas, 19-38. Ed. Catarata. [More information]
Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A., (2005): La percepción de los beneficios económicos de la ciencia y la tecnología en España: preferencias sobre futuras áreas de investigación. En VVAA:Percepción social de la ciencia y la tecnología en España 2004, 109-134. Ed. FECYT. [More information]
Gimeno, J., Andrés, J., Barge-Gil, A., Fernández, A., Rivero, F. (2005): La situación de los objetivos del Milenio. En VVAA: Alianzas contra la pobreza. La acción de las ONGD para alcanzar los objetivos del Milenio, 17-76. Ed. Catarata. [More information]
Modrego, A., Barge-Gil, A. (2004): Innovación y formación: bases para un desarrollo sostenido. Ekonomiaz 56, 178-207. [More information]
Modrego, A., Barge-Gil, A., Núñez, R. (2004): Un modelo genérico de funcionamiento de los Centros Tecnológicos españoles. Iniciativa Emprendedora 45, 124-140. [More information]
2. Research Projects
- Innovation and Firm Strategies in a Sustainable Environment. Main researchers: Elena Huergo y Francisco Javier Velázquez. Research Funding. Spanish Department for Science and Innovation (2021-2024)
- Innovation, Productivity and Firm Strategies. Applications with microdata. Main researchers: Elena Huergo and Francisco Javier Velázquez. Research Funding. Spanish Department for Competitiveness (2018-2020)
Innovative Capacity, Competitiveness and the role of accounting information. Main researchers: Lluis Santamaría, Elena Huergo y María Jesús Nieto. Research Funding: Madrid Regional Government (2016-2018)
Heterogeneity, multinationals and innovation: Spillover effects through technology transfer. Main researcher: Ramón Núñez. Research Funding: Ramón Areces Foundation (2016-2017)
Innovation, Productivity and Competitiveness: Applications with firm microdata. Main researcher: Elena Huergo. Research Funding. Spanish Department for Competitiveness (2015-2017)
Research and Development as distinct and complementary determinants of innovation and productivity. Main researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Research Funding. Ramón Areces Foundation(2011-2012).
Evaluation of the impact of Scientific and Technology Parks in firms' competitiveness. Main researcher: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Research Funding. Spanish Department for Science and Innovation (2009-2010).
- The Innovation System of Galicia in the first decade of 21th Century and the knowledge-based economy. Project leader: Xavier Vence Deza. Research funding: Xunta de Galicia (2005-2007).
Analysis of the process of technology transfer between universities and firms. Project Leader. Lluís Santamaría. Research Funding: Centre d`Economía Industrial (2004-2006).
Evaluation of Spanish Technology Institutes. Project leader: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Research funding: Spanish Department for Science and Technology. (2000-2002)
3. Technology transfer and consultancy projects
- Analysis of the Automobiles Spanish Cartel: Data Analysis. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2024-2025)
- Estimation of the economic impact of CSIC. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: CSIC (2024)
- Analysis of the Automobiles Spanish Cartel: Search for sources. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2023)
- Robustness checks on the estimation of Overcharges in the European Truck Cartel. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2022)
- Advice on the legal proceedings of the European Truck Cartel. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2022-2024)
- Analysis of reports by Truck firms. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2021-2022)
- European Truck Cartel: A different estimation of Overcharges using synchronic analysis on public Truck prices. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2021-2023)
- Implementation of remote work. Main researcher: Andrés Barge Gil and Alfredo García Hiernaux. Contractor: ING España (2020-2021).
- European Truck Cartel: Estimation of Truck-specific Overcharges . Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2020-2021)
Analysis of 360 data. Main researcher: Andrés Barge Gil and Alfredo García Hiernaux. Contractor: ING España (2019)
European Truck Cartel: Estimation of Average Overcharges. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2018-2020)
Strategies for a sports betting investment fund. Main researcher: Andrés Barge Gil and Alfredo García Hiernaux. Contractor: Online Sports 2.0 (2017)
Impact of REDIT Technology Institutes on firm results (2010-2015). Main researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: REDIT (2017-2018)
Impact of Science and Technology Parks in firms´ innovation. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Research Funding: Universidad Carlos III (2010)
Evaluation of Scientific and Technology Parks. Project Leader: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Research Funding: APTE (2007-2008)
Measurement of Technology Institutes’ impact on firms’ competiveness. Project Leader: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Contractor: FEDIT (2006-2008)
Contribution of Technology Institutes towards firms’ innovation: the impact of public grants from PROFIT. Project Leader: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Contractor: FEDIT (2003-2004).
Benchmarking for the design of a collaborative organization serving TICs industries in Galicia. Project leader: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Contractor: Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo (2003-2004).
4. PhD. Dissertation Supervision
Student: Guillermo Arenas Diaz: The relationship between innovation and employment. Date: 2021
Student: Carlos Vivas-Augier. Title: Impact of external sources of knowledge on firm performance. Date: 2019
Student: Alberto Albahari. Title: Science and Technology Parks and tenants innovation results: a supply-side perspective. Date: 2013
Student: Ángela Vásquez-Urriago. Title: Science and Technology Parks and product innovation. An empirical analysis of Spanish firms. Date: 2012
5. Teaching
Applied Econometrics. Degree in Economics (in English and Spanish). UCM
Econometrics. Degree in Economics (in English and Spanish). UCM
- Quantitative Methods. Bachelor in European Studies (in English). UCM, KU-Leuven, Unibo and UJ-Krakowie
Microeconomics I. Degree in Economics (in Spanish). UCM.
Quantitative Methods for Innovation Analysis. Master in Management (in English) UC3M
Quantitative Evaluation of Public Policies. Curso Superior de Gestión Policial (in Spanish). IE
- Modern Econometrics for Causal Effects. PhD Students Course. UCM
Quantitative Tools and Methods. Master in Economic Theory and International Economics (in English). CECO.
Introduction to Econometrics. Master in Economic Development and Public Policy. UAM (in Spanish)
6. Other
Excellence in Teaching (2014-2017, 2017-2020 and 2020-2023)
- Member of the Scientific Council of GADEA Foundation (Scientific Field: Economics): 2022-
- Best Reviewer Award. Industry and Innovation (2023)
Award in Economics and Management of Innovation. UAM-Accenture Chair (2009)
Young Award in Economics. Complutense Foundation (2006)