


N119. Pabellón Prefabricado. Campus Somosaguas s/n 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)



  • Full Professor (Catedrático de Universidad). Department of Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 

  • Member of ICAE (Complutense Institute of Economic Analysis)
  • Member of the Research Group on Productivity, Innovation and Competition and of the Research Group on Internationalization and Regulation of Market Economies



  •  Associate Professor (Profesor Titular). Department of Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2017-2021)
  • Associate Professor (Profesor Contratado Doctor). Department of Economic Analysis II (Quantitative Economics). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. (2013-2017 )

  • Assistant Professor (Profesor Ayudante Doctor). Department of Economic Analysis II (Quantitative Economics). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. (2008-2013)

  • Assistant Researcher (Investigador Contratado). Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. (2000-2008)

  • Tutor (Profesor Tutor) in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. (2000-2008)

  • Advisor for the Dirección General de Política de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa. Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio (2006-2007)


1. Publications

In English


  • Arenas-Díaz, G., Barge-Gil, A. Heijs, J, Marzucchi, A. (2025). The Effect of External Innovation on Firm Employment. Economics of Innovation and New Technology. Forthcoming. [More information]


  • Antón-Tejón, M., Martínez, C., Albahari, A., Barge-Gil, A. (2024). Science and Technology Parks and Their Effects of the Quality of Tenants' Patents. Journal of Technology Transfer 49, 1846-1879 [More information]
  • Barge-Gil, A., Vivas-Augier, C. (2024). Does Cooperation with Universities and KIBS Matter? Firm-level Evidence from Spain. Revista Galega de Economía. 33(3) 9514  [More information]
  • Antón-Tejón, M., Barge-Gil, A., Martínez, C., Albahari, A. (2024). Science and Technology Parks and Their Heterogeneous Effect on Firm Innovation. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 73, 101820 [More information]


  • Albahari, A., Barge-Gil, A., Pérez-Cantó, S., Landoni, P. (2023). The Effect of Science and Technology Parks on Tenant Firms: A literature review. Journal of Technology Transfer 48, 1489-1531 [More information]


  • Di Meglio, G., Barge-Gil, A., Camiña, E., Moreno, L. (2022). Knocking on Employment´s Door: Internships and Job Attainment. Higher Education 83, 137-161 [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A., D'Este, P., Herrera, L. (2021). PhD trained employees and firms’ transitions to upstream R&D activities. Industry and Innovation 28(4), 424-455 [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A., López, A., Nuñez, R. (2020). Technological spillovers from multinational firms. The World Economy 43(12), 3184-3202[More information]
  • Topan, L., Castro, C., Jerez, M., Barge-Gil, A. (2020). Oil price pass-through into inflation in Spain at national and regional level. SERIES. Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 11, 561-583 [More information]
  • Barge-Gil, A., García-Hiernaux, A. (2020). Staking in sports betting under unknown probabilities: A practical guide for profitable bettors. Journal of Sport Economics. 21(6), 593-609 [More information]
  • Arenas, G.,  Barge-Gil, A., Heijs, J. (2020). The Effect of Innovation on Skilled and Unskilled Workers during Bad Times. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 52, 141-158. [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A., López, A., Núñez-Sánchez, R. (2019). Estimation of foreign MNEs spillovers in Spain. Applied Economic Letters 26(5)418-423 [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A., Huergo, E., López, A., Moreno, L. (2018). Empirical models of firms' R&D. In Corchón, L., Marini, M. (eds): Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organisation. Edward Elgar. Chelthenam, UK, Northampton, MA, USA., 475-516 [More information]

  • Albahari, A., Barge-Gil, A., Pérez-Cantó, S., Modrego, A.  (2018). The influence of Science and Technology Parks characteristics on firms' innovation results. Papers in Regional Science 97(2), 253-279 [More information]


  • Albahari, A., Pérez-Cantó, S., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2017). Technology Parks vs. Science Parks: does the university makes the difference? Technological Forecasting and Social Change 116, 13-28. [More information]


  • Castro, C., Jerez, M., Barge-Gil, A. (2016). The deflationary effect of oil prices in the euro area. Energy Economics 56, 389-397 [More information]

  • Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2016). Science and Technology Parks and cooperation for innovation: Empirical evidence from Spain. Research Policy 46(1), 137-147. [More information]

  • Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2016). Which firms benefit more from being located in a Science and Technology Park? Empirical evidence from Spain. Research Evaluation 25(1), 107-117 [More information]


  • Vivas-Augier, C., Barge-Gil, A. (2015). Impact on firms of the use of knowledge external sources: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Economic Surveys. 29(5), 943-964 [More information]

  • Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2015). R versus D: estimating the differentiated effect of research and development on innovation results. Industrial and Corporate Change. 24(1), 93-129 [More information]


  • Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A. Modrego, A., Paraskevopoulou, E. (2014). The impact of science and technology parks on firms’ product innovation: empirical evidence from Spain. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 24(4),835-873 [More information]

  • Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2014). R&D Determinants: Accounting for the Differences between Research and Development. Research Policy. 43(9), 1634-1648 [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A. (2013). Open strategies and innovation performance. Industry and Innovation 20(7), 585-610 [More information]

  • Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2013). The complementary effect of research and development. Applied Economics Letters 20(15), 1426-1430 [More information]

  • Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2013). Relationships among technology institutes and firms: Are determining factors dependent on the type of service provided? Journal of the Knowledge Economy 4(4), 343-369. [More information]


  • Núñez-Sánchez, R., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2012). Performance of knowledge interactions between public research centres and industrial firms in Spain: a project-level analysis.Journal of Technology Transfer 37(3), 330-354. [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A., Santamaría, L., Modrego, R. (2011). Complementarities between universities and technology institutes. New empirical lessons and perspectives. European Planning Studies19(2), 195-215. [More information]

  • Barge-Gil, A., Nieto, M.J., Santamaría, L. (2011): Hidden innovators: the role of non-R&D activities. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 23(4), 415-432. [More information]

  • Barge-Gil, A., Modrego-Rico, A. (2011): The impact of research and technology organizations on firm competitiveness. Measurement and determinants. Journal of Technology Transfer. 36(1), 61-83. [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A. (2010). Open, semi-open and closed innovators. Towards an explanation of degree of openness. Industry and Innovation 17(6), 577-607 [More information]

  • Santamaría, L., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2010): Public selection and financing of R&D cooperative projects: Credit versus subsidy funding. Research Policy. 39 (4), 549-563. [More information]

  • Barge-Gil, A. (2010). Cooperation-based innovators and peripheral cooperators. An empirical analysis of their characteristics and behaviour. Technovation. 30 (3), 185-206 [More information]


  • Santamaría, L., Nieto, MJ, Barge-Gil, A. (2009): Beyond formal R&D: Taking advantage of other sources of innovation in Low- and Medium-Technology Industries. Research Policy 38(3), 507-517. [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2008): Are Technology Institutes a satisfactory tool for public intervention in the area of technology? A neoclassical and evolutionary evaluation. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. 26(4), 808-823. [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A, Lemus, A., Núñez, R., Modrego, A. (2007): Research and Technology Organizations: how do they manage their knowledge? International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7(6), 556-575. [More information]

  • Santamaría, L, Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2007): Which factors underlie public selection of R&D cooperative projects? In Suriñach, J., Moreno, R, Bayá, E.(eds): Knowledge externalities, Innovation Clusters and Regional Development. Ed. Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, UK. Northampton, USA., 219-237. [More information]


  • Modrego, A., Barge-Gil, A., Núñez, R. (2005): Developing indicators to measure Technology Institutes` performance. Research Evaluation 14(2), 177-184. [More information]


In Spanish


  • Di Meglio, G., Barge-Gil, A., Camiña, E., Moreno, L. (2019). El impacto de las prácticas en empresas en la inserción laboral: Un análisis aplicado. EducXX1. 22(2), 235-266 [More information]


  • Modrego, A., Barge-Gil, A. (2019). La I+D en el sector farmacéutico español en el periodo 2003-2015. Papeles de Economía Española 160, 76-93 [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2015). La investigación y el desarrollo como determinantes diferenciados y complementarios de la innovación y la productividad. Cuadernos Económicos de ICE 89, 85-106 [More information]


  • Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2012). Los parques científicos y tecnológicos españoles, impulsores de la cooperación en innovación. Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía 869, 99-114 [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2011): Realización de I+D y su composición en la empresa manufacturera española: un análisis de los determinantes diferenciados de la investigación y el desarrollo. Economía Industrial 382, 25-34. [More information]

  • Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2011): El impacto de los parques científicos y tecnológicos españoles sobre la innovación empresarial según distintos tipos de empresas. Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía 860, 73-88. [More information]

  • Barge-Gil, A., Santamaría, L., Modrego, A. (2011): El papel de las universidades y los centros tecnológicos como impulsores de la actividad innovadora. Papeles de Economía Española 127, 59-75. [More information]


  • Santamaría, L., Nieto, MJ, Barge-Gil, A. (2010): The relevance of different open innovation strategies for R&D performers. Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa 45, 93-114. [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A. Modrego-Rico, A. (2009): Ciencia y economía. Arbor CLXXXV (738), 757-766. [More information]

  • Santamaría, L., Nieto, M.J., Barge-Gil, A. (2009): ¿Hay innovación más allá de la I+D? El papel de otras actividades innovadoras. Universia Business Review 22, 102-117. [Moreinformation]


  • Callejón, M., Barge-Gil, A., López, A. (2007): La cooperación público-privada en innovación a través de los Centros Tecnológicos. Economía Industrial 366, 123-132. [More information]

  • Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A. (2007): Los Centros Tecnológicos como instrumentos de intervención pública en los Sistemas Regionales de Innovación. En Vence, X. (eds): Crecimiento y políticas de innovación. Ed Pirámide. Madrid., 241-271. [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A, Santamaría, L. (2006): El proceso de transferencia tecnológica universidad-empresa. Ed. Fundació Empresa i Ciència. [More information]

  • Andrés, J., Callejón, M., Barge-Gil, A. (2006): La situación de los objetivos del Milenio a diez años para 2015. En VVAA: Los objetivos del Milenio: movilización social y cambio de políticas, 19-38. Ed. Catarata. [More information]


  • Barge-Gil, A., Modrego, A., (2005): La percepción de los beneficios económicos de la ciencia y la tecnología en España: preferencias sobre futuras áreas de investigación. En VVAA:Percepción social de la ciencia y la tecnología en España 2004, 109-134. Ed. FECYT. [More information]

  • Gimeno, J., Andrés, J., Barge-Gil, A., Fernández, A., Rivero, F. (2005): La situación de los objetivos del Milenio. En VVAA: Alianzas contra la pobreza. La acción de las ONGD para alcanzar los objetivos del Milenio, 17-76. Ed. Catarata. [More information]


  • Modrego, A., Barge-Gil, A. (2004): Innovación y formación: bases para un desarrollo sostenido. Ekonomiaz 56, 178-207. [More information]

  • Modrego, A., Barge-Gil, A., Núñez, R. (2004): Un modelo genérico de funcionamiento de los Centros Tecnológicos españoles. Iniciativa Emprendedora 45, 124-140. [More information]



2. Research Projects


  • Innovation and Firm Strategies in a Sustainable Environment. Main researchers: Elena Huergo y Francisco Javier Velázquez. Research Funding. Spanish Department for Science and Innovation (2021-2024)
  • Innovation, Productivity and Firm Strategies. Applications with microdata. Main researchers: Elena Huergo and Francisco Javier Velázquez. Research Funding. Spanish Department for Competitiveness (2018-2020)
  • Innovative Capacity, Competitiveness and the role of accounting information. Main researchers: Lluis Santamaría, Elena Huergo y María Jesús Nieto. Research Funding: Madrid Regional Government (2016-2018)

  • Heterogeneity, multinationals and innovation: Spillover effects through technology transfer. Main researcher: Ramón Núñez. Research Funding: Ramón Areces Foundation (2016-2017)

  • Innovation, Productivity and Competitiveness: Applications with firm microdata. Main researcher: Elena Huergo. Research Funding. Spanish Department for Competitiveness (2015-2017)

  • Research and Development as distinct and complementary determinants of innovation and productivity. Main researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Research Funding. Ramón Areces Foundation(2011-2012).

  • Evaluation of the impact of Scientific and Technology Parks in firms' competitiveness. Main researcher: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Research Funding. Spanish Department for Science and Innovation (2009-2010).

  • The Innovation System of Galicia in the first decade of 21th Century and the knowledge-based economy. Project leader: Xavier Vence Deza. Research funding: Xunta de Galicia (2005-2007).
  • Analysis of the process of technology transfer between universities and firms. Project Leader. Lluís Santamaría. Research Funding: Centre d`Economía Industrial (2004-2006).

  • Evaluation of Spanish Technology Institutes. Project leaderAurelia Modrego Rico. Research funding: Spanish Department for Science and Technology. (2000-2002)



3. Technology transfer and consultancy projects


  • Analysis of the Automobiles Spanish Cartel: Data Analysis. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2024-2025)
  • Estimation of the economic impact of CSIC. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: CSIC (2024)
  • Analysis of the Automobiles Spanish Cartel: Search for sources. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2023)
  • Robustness checks on the estimation of Overcharges in the European Truck Cartel. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2022)
  • Advice on the legal proceedings of the European Truck Cartel. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2022-2024)
  • Analysis of reports by Truck firms. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2021-2022)
  • European Truck Cartel: A different estimation of Overcharges using synchronic analysis on public Truck prices. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2021-2023)
  • Implementation of remote work. Main researcher: Andrés Barge Gil and Alfredo García Hiernaux. Contractor: ING España (2020-2021).
  • European Truck Cartel: Estimation of Truck-specific Overcharges . Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2020-2021)
  • Analysis of 360 data. Main researcher: Andrés Barge Gil and Alfredo García Hiernaux. Contractor: ING España (2019)

  • European Truck Cartel: Estimation of Average Overcharges. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: Avalora Servicios Periciales (2018-2020)

  • Strategies for a sports betting investment fund. Main researcher: Andrés Barge Gil and Alfredo García Hiernaux. Contractor: Online Sports 2.0 (2017)

  • Impact of REDIT Technology Institutes on firm results (2010-2015). Main researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Contractor: REDIT (2017-2018)

  • Impact of Science and Technology Parks in firms´ innovation. Main Researcher: Andrés Barge Gil. Research Funding: Universidad Carlos III (2010)

  • Evaluation of Scientific and Technology Parks. Project Leader: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Research Funding: APTE (2007-2008)

  • Measurement of Technology Institutes’ impact on firms’ competiveness. Project Leader: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Contractor: FEDIT (2006-2008)

  • Contribution of Technology Institutes towards firms’ innovation: the impact of public grants from PROFIT. Project Leader: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Contractor: FEDIT (2003-2004).

  • Benchmarking for the design of a collaborative organization serving TICs industries in Galicia. Project leader: Aurelia Modrego Rico. Contractor: Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo (2003-2004).



4. PhD. Dissertation Supervision


  • Student: Guillermo Arenas Diaz: The relationship between innovation and employment. Date: 2021

  • Student: Carlos Vivas-Augier. Title: Impact of external sources of knowledge on firm performance. Date: 2019

  • Student: Alberto Albahari. Title: Science and Technology Parks and tenants innovation results: a supply-side perspective. Date: 2013

  • Student: Ángela Vásquez-Urriago. Title: Science and Technology Parks and product innovation. An empirical analysis of Spanish firms. Date: 2012

5. Teaching


  • Applied Econometrics. Degree in Economics (in English and Spanish). UCM

  • Econometrics. Degree in Economics (in English and Spanish). UCM

  • Quantitative Methods. Bachelor in European Studies (in English). UCM, KU-Leuven, Unibo and UJ-Krakowie
  • Microeconomics I. Degree in Economics (in Spanish). UCM.

  • Quantitative Methods for Innovation Analysis. Master in Management (in English) UC3M

  • Quantitative Evaluation of Public Policies. Curso Superior de Gestión Policial (in Spanish). IE

  • Modern Econometrics for Causal Effects. PhD Students Course. UCM
  • Quantitative Tools and Methods. Master in Economic Theory and International Economics (in English). CECO.

  • Introduction to Econometrics. Master in Economic Development and Public Policy. UAM (in Spanish)

6. Other


  • Excellence in Teaching (2014-2017, 2017-2020 and 2020-2023)

  • Member of the Scientific Council of GADEA Foundation (Scientific Field: Economics): 2022-
  • Best Reviewer Award. Industry and Innovation (2023)
  • Award in Economics and Management of Innovation. UAM-Accenture Chair (2009)

  • Young Award in Economics. Complutense Foundation  (2006)