
Publicaciones en revistas año 2005

29     Wierzchos, J, Sancho, L.G. & Ascaso, C. (2005) Biomineralisation of endolithic microbes in rocks from the Antarctic Ross desert: implications for microbial fossil formation and their detection. Environmental Microbiology 7: 566-575. IF (5años) = 4.559

28     Upreti, D.K., Divakar, P.K. & Nayaka, S. (2005) Commercial and ethnic use of lichens in India.  Economic Botany 59(3): 269-273.   IF=  1.908

27     Upreti, D.K. & Divakar, P.K. & Nayaka, S. (2005) Notes on some Indian Pannariaceous Lichen. Nova Hedwigia 81: 97-114.  IF = 0.805

26     R. Gavilán (2005) The use of climatic parameters and indices in vegetation distribution. A case study in the Spanish Sistema Central. International Journal of Biometeorology 50(2): 111-120. IF: 3.246

25     Pintado, A., Sancho. L.G., Blanquer, J.M., Green, A. & Lázaro, R. (2005) Functional Ecology of the biological soil crust in semiarid SE Spain: Sun and shade populations Diploschistes diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch. Lichenologist 37: 425-432. IF (5años) = 1.337

24     Pannewitz, S., Maysek, K., Schlensog, M., Seppelt, R. & Sancho, L.G, Türk, R & Schroeter, B. (2005). The photosynthetic response of Bryophytes to CO2 concentration, PPFD, temperature and water content measured at coastal sites, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 17: 341-352. IF (5años) = 1.417

23     P. K. Divakar, O. Blanco, D.L. Hawksworth & A. Crespo (2005) Molecular phylogenetic studies on the Parmotrema reticulatum (syn Rimelia reticulata) complex, including the confirmation of P. pseudoreticulatum as a distint species. Lichenologist. 37(1): 55-65. IF (5 años) =1.155

22     P. K. Divakar, M. C. Molina, H. T. Lumbsch & A. Crespo (2005) Parmelia barrenoae, a new lichen species related to Parmelia sulcata based on molecular and morphological data. Lichenologist 37 (1):37-46. IF (5 años) =1.155

21     O. Blanco, A. Crespo, P. K. Divakar, J. A. Elix & H. T. Lumbsch (2005) Molecular phylogeny of parmotremoid lichens (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae). Mycologia. 97(1): 150-159. IF (5 años) = 2.288

20     O. Blanco, A Crespo & J. A. Elix (2005) Two new species of Xanthoparmelia (Ascomycota: Parmeliaceae) from Spain. Lichenologist. 37(2):97-100. IF (5 años) =1.155

19     Navarro G., Molina J. A. & N. De la Barra (2005). Classification of the high-Andean Polylepis forests in Bolivia. Plant Ecology 176: 113-130.  IF (5años)= 1.900

18     Molina J. A. (2005) The vegetation of temporary ponds with Isoetes in the Iberian Peninsula. Phytocoenologia 35(2-3): 219-230.  IF (5años) = 1.257

17     Lumbsch, H.T., Del Prado, R. & Kantvilas, G. (2005) Gregorella, a new genus to accomodate Moelleriposis humida and a molecular hylogeny of Arctomiaceae. The Lichenologist 37 (4), 291-302 IF (5años) = 0.738

16     Lumbsch, H.T., Del Prado, R. & Kantvilas, G. (2005) Gregorella, a new genus to accomodate Moelleriposis humida and a molecular phylogeny of Arctomiaceae. The Lichenologist 37 (4), 291-302 IF (5 años) = 0.738

15     Lange, O.L. &  Green, T.G. (2005) Lichens show that fungi can acclimate their respiration to seasonal changes in temperature. Oecologia 142: 11-19. IF (5años) = 3.093

14     Hawksworth, DL (2005) The biodiversity of fungi and its human relevance. Biodiversity of fungi: their role in human life:1-13 IF (5años) = 2.81

13     Hawksworth, DL  (2005) Universal fungus register offers pattern for zoology Nature  438:7064   Páginas: 24-24  IF (5años) = 41.46

12     Green, A., Kulle, D., Pannewitz, S., Sancho, L.G. & Schroeter, B. (2005) UV protection in mosses growing in continental Antarctic. Polar Biology 28: 822-827. IF (5años) =1.659

11     Galloway, D. & Sancho, L.G. (2005) Umbilicaria murihikuana and U. robusta (Umbilicariaceae: Ascomycota), two new taxa from Aotearoa New Zealand.Australasian Lichenology 56: 16-19. IF (5años) = 1.238

10     Divakar, P.K. & Upreti, D.K (2005) A new species in Melanohalea (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycotina) and new lichen records from India. Lichenologist 37 (6): 511-517. IF= 1.061

9       De los Ríos, A., Wierzchos, J, Sancho, L.G., Green, A. & Ascaso, C. (2005) Ecology of endolithic lichens colonizing granite in continental Antarctica. Lichenologist 37: 383-395. IF (5años) = 1.337

8       De los Ríos, A, Sancho, L.G., Grube, M., Wierzchos, J, & Ascaso, C. (2005) Endolithic growth of two Lecidea lichens in granite from continental Antarctica detected by molecular and microscopy techniques. New Phytologist 165: 181-190. IF (5años) = 7.837

7       Cubas, P., Pardo, C & H. Tahiri (2005) Genetic variation and relationships among Ulex (Fabaceae) species in southern Spain and northern Morocco assessed by chloroplast microsatellite (cpSSR) markers. Am. J. Bot. 92(12): 2031-2043 IF (5 años) = 2.603

6       Cantó, P. (2005) A new combination and lectotypification  in Genista cinerea group (Fabaceae). Ann. Bot. Fennici 42:379-380 IF (5años) = 0.692

5       Brabyn, L., Green T.G.A., Beard, C. & Seppelt, R.D. (2005) GIS goes nano: Vegetation studies in Victoria Land, Antarctica. New Zealand Geographer 61(2): 139-147. IF (5años) = 1.500

4       Barbour, M., Solomesch, A., Holland, R., Witham, C., McDonald, R., Cilliers, S., Molina, J. A., Buck, J. & Hillman, J. (2005) Vernal pool vegetation of California: communities of long-inundated deep habitats. Phytocoenologia 35(2-3): 177-200.  IF (5años)= 1.257

3       Aldasoro J.J., C. Aedo & C. Navarro (2005). Phylogenetic and phytogeographical relationships in Maloideae (Rosaceae) based on morphological and anatomical characters. Blumea 50: 3-32. IF (5 años) = 0.340

2       Aedo, C., C. Navarro & M. L. Alarcón (2005) Taxonomic revision of geranium sections andina and chilensia (geraniaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 149 (1): 1-68.  IF (5 años) = 2.534

1       Aedo, C., O. Fiz, M. L. Alarcón, C. Navarro & J. J. Aldasoro (2005) Taxonomic revision of geranium sect. Dissecta (geraniaceae). Syst. Bot. 30 (3): 533 -558). IF (5 años) = 1.229