• Español

María Fernanda Moretón Sanz

Currently, she is the University Ombudsman in the UNED. Graduated in Law and Political Sciences and Sociology, she is a lawyer at Rota´s Court, European Doctor and PhD Extraordinary Award with her thesis La expromisión: el art 1205 del Cc español.

Before teaching in the UNED, she built a strong career. Nowadays, she is PTU of the Civil Law Department and holds five academic five-years and four CNAI six-years: three as a researcher, one for scientific dissemination.

Her lengthily career takes shape through the publication of monographs, collective volumes, prestigious journals, and over 80 articles in national and international journals, 75 articles in collective volumes and 8 prologues. She has directed and coordinated more than 10 works.

Head of several research projects on Disability, Dependency and Incapacitation, Nursing Homes, Civil and Patrimonial Responsibility and Foundations. She is legal advisor in Interuniversity and European Projects, specially on regards of Intellectual Property and she has directed more than 20 PhD thesis.

At university she is Secretary of the Faculty´s Department, Associate Professor, Coordinator of the Law Program, co-director of a Master´s Degree at Carlos III University and the UNED, and has directed more than 80 Master´s Degree Thesis, 130 Degree Thesis and coordinated more than 3000 Degree Thesis.

She is Consumer Law Arbitrator in Madrid City Council.

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