María Ángeles Ciprés Palacín
Born in 1957 in Huesca, she holds a Degree in Music (professional Piano qualification), a Doctorate in French Philology, and has held a University Chair since 2011, having dedicated 41 years to teaching and research at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Five six-year research terms recognised by the ANECA cover much of her work undertaken on research projects and for numerous national and international publications.
She has focused on French language and literature from the Middle Age to the present day, as well as Occitan language and literature, and in particular French, diachronic and synchronic linguistics, as may be seen in her publications and teaching focuses. As Director of the UCM Research Group named ESCODIS (Comparative Discourse Studies), she has dedicated the last 8 years to this linguistic discipline, serving to address the analysis of all pronouncements and hence literary texts and social communication practices from the perspectives of pronouncement, reference, rhetoric, text and pragmatics. Author of 59 published works, 27 of them issued by foreign universities and publishing houses; participant at 36 scientific meetings, 17 of them at foreign universities; speaker at conferences at French universities, translator at Study Institutes, and interpreter at scientific meetings.
Member of scientific committees of national and international journals, and of the Executive Board of the Spanish Society of General and Comparative Literature; correspondence member of various Institutes of Linguistic and Literary Studies, and since 2011 Director of the Collège des Hautes Études Européennes “Miguel Servet”, a Third Cycle institution attached to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. In 2014 she completed a research placement as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Stanford, with a project on writing by women in Spanish and English and its reception in the United States.
In 2015 the research group she heads up embarked on the coordination of a European network studying women's writing and gender studies, with four research groups: 2 French, one Hungarian and one English. The short- and medium-term objectives of this scientific collaboration are as follows: to draw up a European manual of women's writing; to create an online observatory of women's texts in the form of a blog; to establish links with publishing houses and to launch international and interdisciplinary training at the Master's level under the auspices of the Erasmus Plus Programme, and in collaboration with the participating universities: Lyon, Paris III, Toulouse, Pau, Bordeaux, Louvain-la Neuve, Tours, Leeds, ELTE – Budapest.
In 2016 the ESCODIS group received funding for a three-year R&D+i Project. The details of this project, of which she is Lead Researcher, are as follows:
Title: Escritoras dentro y fuera del canon comercial en la ultramodernidad en españa y francia: discursive and cultural analysis.
Reference : FEM2015-67739-R
Duration: 2016-2019
The degree course lecturers involved in the project are: Isabelle Marc, Cristina Vinuesa, Cristina Oñoro and Julia Oeri (FPU Bursary).