Noemí Ávila is a Doctorate in Fine Arts by the University Complutense of Madrid (Extraordinary PhD Award in 2005, Faculty of Fine Arts) and graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology by the Universidad Nacional a Distancia.
She is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Didactics of Languages, Arts, and Physical Education Department at University Complutense of Madrid. She has taught at the Faculty of Fine Arts, and the Faculty of Education. She has been coordinator of the Artistic Education in Social and Cultural Institutions MA Degree (2013-2017), and the Department's Academic Secretary (2018-2022).
As for her research career, Ávila belongs to the Complutense's research group GIMUPAI (assessed with excelence in transference), has recognized two six-year research, and has co-directed 16 PhD thesis. She has participated in I+D national projects, and has directed article 83 LOU contracts (current 60 LOSU contracts), innovation and service-learning projects for the development of an artistic education in formal and informal contexts, and specially in Arts and Health. It shall be remarked her intense cooperation with the Madrid City Council, Madrid Salud, with whom she has coordinated article 83 projects, service-learning projects, postgraduate scholarships, expositions, conferences and publications for the development of the Arts in Community Health.
Guest professor and researcher in Cork (Ireland), Malmö (Sweeden) and Xalapa (Mexico), and has coordinated an Erasmus+ project about the creative and pedagogical use of the city with Hungarian and Greek organizations.
Ex-associate editor of Arte, Individuo y Sociedad (2013-2017) and author with more than twenty articles published in national and international impact journals. Invited by the World Health Organization and the European Consortium CultureForHealth as an expert in Arts, Health and Wellbeing meetings. Ávila is currently a member of the European Comission group Open Method of Coordination Group on Culture & Health.