• Español

Cristina Oñoro Otero

Cristina Oñoro Otero is interim Associate Professor in the area of Literary Theory at UCM and member of the Madrid Theatre Institute. Previously, she was an IDEX (French Programme of Excellence) Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Strasbourg, where she specialised in Contemporary Theatricalities under the direction of Carole Egger and Isabelle Reck. She was a researcher on the project "Writers inside and outside the commercial canon in ultramodernity in Spain and France: discursive and cultural analysis" and for the project "PERFORMA. The theatre outside the theatre. Contemporary Performativities in the Digital Age”. Since 2005, she has taught undergraduate and master's degrees linked to her research almost continuously in both France and Spain. Recently, she received the qualification of "excellent" in the triennial evaluation of the UCM’s Docentia programme.

She has authored forty publications (books, articles, book chapters, monographs, translations). Her lines of research focus on contemporary narrative and theatre, women's writing, literary theory, and the intersection between literature and contemporary thought. Her work on contemporary theatre has been published in magazines like Signa, Revista de Literatura, Don Galán, Las puertas del drama and the Bulletin of Spanish Studies.

Since 2017, she has co-edited (alongside Antonio Garrido) the Escuela Complutense de Verano’s La industria del libro en la actualidad: de la edición al lector, and since 2018, she has directed the UCM-funded Teaching Innovation Project Leer en comunidad: creación y desarrollo de clubes de lectura dentro y fuera de la Universidad (Reading in the community: creation and development of book clubs inside and outside the University).

She has been a reviewer for Ediciones Complutense, CSIC’s Revista de Literatura and the UCM’s Revista de Filología Románica. Since 2019, she has been the president of the Quality Commission for UCM’s Master in Literary Studies. She is a founding member of the 21st Century International Theatre Association (Teatro Siglo XXI), of which she is currently secretary.

Since 2017, she has been secretary of the magazine Dicenda. Cuadernos de Lengua y Literatura española of the UCM.

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4206-4518