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Consuelo Martínez-Sicluna y Sepúlveda

Doctorate in Law (UCM). Diploma in Advanced Studies in Modern History (UCM). Senior Lecturer of Philosophy in Law and Deputy Director of International and Ecclesiastical Law, and Philosophy in Law (UCM).

From 2012 to 2016, she was the Vice Dean of Students at the Faculty of Law. She is currently a member of the Academic and Research Staff Committee of Complutenses’s Faculty of Law.

Director of the CEU-Institute’s Casa de Austria Chair in History Studies.

Director of the CEU-Institute of American Studies.

Academic Director of the Universidad de Mayores at CES Cardenal Cisneros (UCM).

Director of the research group “Fundamentos histórico-filosóficos de la ciudadanía jurídica” (UCM).

Member of the Madrid Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, and of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Fine Arts and Noble Arts of Cordoba. Member of the Tomás de Aquino International Society. Member of international academic committees in Italy, Argentina and Chile.  

Granted with three research awards: the Ángel Herrera Social Science Research Award to her Research Project on “the History of the Political Analysis” in 2011 (CEU-San Pablo University).

  • VII Elías de Tejada Award by the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences to her article about the “Representation of the Spanish Monarchy in the political tacitism” in 2016.
  • VIII “Caballeros de Yuste” Royal Association’s Research Award to “The Emperor’s Political Thinking” in 2017.

She has also been nominated “Jinete de Honor” of the Cavalry Academy of Valladolid.

Visiting Lecturer of the Universities of Pavía, Bari, Calabria, Padua, Udine, Federico II of Napoli (Italy). Invited by the Cervantes Institute of Napoli (Italy).

Co-director of the Collection of Legal Philosophy “La testa di Gorgone” with professor Gian Pietro Calabrò and professor Paola Helzel (Università della Calabria, Italia), edited by CEDAM-Wolkers-Kluwerg in Italy, with more than 20 volumes.

Director of the “Aforismos. Instituciones, ideas, movimientos” Journal, Ed. Dykinson.

Member of the (International) Editorial Board of the “Ars Boni et Aequi” Journal of the Faculty of Law and Social Communication of the University Bernardo O’Higgins of Chile (Chile).

Member of the (International) Editorial Committee of the Journal of Law “Derecho Público Iberoamericano” of the Universidad del Desarollo of Santiago de Chile (Chile).

Member of the (International) Scientific Committee of the Collection “Itinerari di Ricerca” of the Interuniversity Centre “Popolazione, ambiente e salute” of Cacucci Editore (Italy).

Member of the International Scientific Committee of the electronic journal “L’Ircocervo”, Journal of Theory of Law and Philosophy in Law (Italy).

She is currently participating in two I+D projects: PID2021-126145OB-100 (2022-2026) about the Environmental, Social, and Economic Sustainability of Justice. Challenges of 2030 Agenda; PID2021-122788OB-I00 about “The CEDAW 40 years later: liquid rights of women?” (2022-2026).

She has been PI in two Teaching Innovation Projects (PIE-APS) in UCM and member of six of them.

Member of the Project “Leaders and Civic engagement in the beginning of the XXI Century”, beneficiary of the II Call for Aids to Academic and Cultural Projects on Leadership and Civic Humanism of Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán Foundation (2022-23 and 2023-24).

International evaluator of the Fondecyt Program of the National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research’s of the Government of Chile.

Author of more than a thousand publications: 14 books, 55 book chapters, and participated in 200 conferences.

She has directed 12 PhD thesis, three of which have been awarded with the Extraordinary PhD Award of Complutense University of Madrid and the UNED.

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María Luisa de Torres Soto

Doctorate in Law by the Alfonso X El Sabio University (2015). Her thesis, “The Reception of the Precautionary Principle in the Spanish Bio-sanitary Law”, was granted with the PhD Extraordinary Award.

ANECA’s certified Assistant Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor of Private University. Since 2022, she has been teaching Philosophy in Law at the Complutense University of Madrid as Assistant Lecturer. Previously, she worked at the Alfonso X El Sabio University (UAX), the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), and the Centre of University Studies (CEDEU).

Advanced Degree of Science, Anthropology and Philosophy at the UNESCO Chair of Bio-Ethics, where she worked as Coordinator of the Bio-Ethics MA Degree from 2002 to 2004. Likewise, she has a Diploma in Legal Practice, an Official Title of Administrative Management, an Official Pedagogical Certificate, and an Official Title of Senior Technician for Work Hazard Prevention.

Whether in Degree, MA Degree, or PhD Studies, De Torres Soto has taught Theory of Law and Philosophy in Law, Deontology, Professional Responsibility, Bio-Law, and Human Rights.  She is currently participating in the Research Group “Fundamentos Histórico-Filosóficos de la Ciudadanía Jurídica” of the Faculty of Law at Complutense University of Madrid, directed by Prof-. Consuelo Martínez-Sicluna; besides she has participated in the Teaching Innovation Projects 2021-2022 and 2023-2024.

Director of two Cum Laude PhD thesis and multiple Degree and MA Degree final projects; member of 27 University Courts of doctoral thesis and awards; and collaborator in the Slyllabus Adaptation for the EEES.

She has participated in multiple International Congresses on Human Rights and Bio-Law, as well as roundtable discussions on these. She is evaluator for several Journals: “Persona y Derecho”, “Rivista L’Ircocervo”, “Revista Internacional Lengua y Migración”, y “Revista Española de Derecho Militar”, among others.

Registered with the ICAM since 1996, she has worked as a professional lawyer in counselling services and producing legal reports.

Among others, we find several publications:

  • “El positivismo. Positivismo normativista. Kelsen” y “el realismo jurídico” in Sapere aude! La Filosofía sobre el Derecho a lo largo de la historia. Dykinson, S.L. Madrid. 2023
  • “Derecho y Justicia” y “Derechos y deberes jurídicos. Los Derechos humanos” in Las dimensiones del saber jurídico: una introducción a la Teoría del Derecho. Sindéresis. Madrid. 2023.
  • “Análisis del concepto del principio de precaución en la gestión del riesgo sanitario. Breve referencia a la pandemia covid-19” in Cuestiones actuales del derecho biosanitario. Thomson-Reuters (Aranzadi). Pamplona. 2023
  • “La Educación Superior en España en 2020: Retos para alcanzar la Igualdad de oportunidades” en Revista CES Derecho. 2020
  • “Igualdad de oportunidades en la enseñanza superior y garantía de la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres”: Jornadas de Enseñanza Militar y Orientación “Más de lo que crees”: Ponencia seleccionada para publicación. Ministerio de Defensa. Agosto 2020
  • “La mujer en las Fuerzas Armadas: evaluación de la situación y perspectivas de futuro” in Género y no discriminación: análisis transversal e interdisciplinar. Alderabán. 2019
  • “Información Genética y Derecho a la Intimidad” en Revista CES Derecho. 2018
  • “La necesidad de revisión y desarrollo equilibrado del art. 39.2 de la Constitución española” en La reforma constitucional: propuestas y desafíos. Thomson-Reuters (Aranzadi) 2018
  • “El Principio de Precaución como Principio General del Derecho. Breve referencia al principio de precaución en el Derecho Internacional Humanitario” en Revista Española de Derecho Militar.

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