Antonio InCampo
Professor of Philosophy in Law in the Department of Law at Bari Aldo Moro University.
After doctorating in Philosophy in Law in La Sapienza University of Rome, directed by Sergio Cotta, he attended several specializing courses at universities abroad, cooperating with Herbert Schambeck, one of the main heirs of Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law School, among others.
Ex-Director of the Penal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, and Philosophy in Law Department, and Ex-President of the Second Faculty of Law of Bari Aldo Moro University.
InCampo has been appointed “foreign partner” in international research programs, and he is currently the director of the scientific publication series “Unità del sapere giuridico. Quaderni di scienze penalistiche e filosofico-giuridiche” (Cacucci Editore, Bari), and the journal “L’Ircocervo. First Italian Digital Journal of Legal Methodology, General Theory of Law, State Doctrine” (Fundación Gentile, Venecia). Finally, he is likewise directing the section “Threats to Constitutional Systems”, of the “Encyclopedia of Contemporary Contitutionalsm” (Springer, Berlín).
Among his main monographies some are highlighted: Sul fondamento della validità deontica. Identità non-contraddizione (Giuseppe Laterza, Bari 1996); Atto e funzione (Adriatica, Bari, 1997); Validità funzionale di norme (Cacucci, Bari 2001); Sul dovere giuridico. Lezioni di filosofia del diritto (Cacucci, Bari 2003); Ricerche di filosofia del diritto, con Amedeo G. Conte, Paolo Di Lucia, Giuseppe Lorini, Wojciech Żełaniec (G. Giappichelli, Torino 2007); Metafísica del Processo. Idee per una critica della ragione giuridica (Cacucci, Bari 2010, 20162); Filosofia del dovere giuridico (Cacucci, Bari 2019).
In 1998, InCampo was rewarded with the Großes Ehrenzeichen (“Great Medal of Honor”), honorific tittle of the President of the Austrian Republic.