• Español

Ana María Marcos del Cano

Graduated in Law by the Faculty of Law at the University of León. Besides, she is Doctor in Law by the UNED’s Faculty of Law -granted with the PhD Extraordinary Award-, and holds the Chair of Philosophy in Law at the UNED’s Faculty of Law.

She is the director of the research group “Human Rights, Bio-Ethics, and Multiculturalism” and of the Philosophy in Law Department at the UNED. She has conducted different courses on Theory of Law, Human Rights after Globalization and Multiculturalism, Bio-Ethics and Bio-Law, and participated in multiple conferences in numerous Spanish, Colombian, Italian, and Portuguese universities.

Her lengthily academic career has been developed in different Spanish or foreign universities and research centres: Istituto Giuridico “A. Cicu”, Bologna, Stony Brook University de Nueva York, Facoltá di Giurisprudenza di Tor Vergata en Roma. She has published monographs in Bio-Ethics, Immigration and Multiculturalism, and Law Theory.

Six-years of research: 3

Six-years of dissemination: 1

Academic Five-years: 6

Main research of the project "Optimization of the Information and Management of the Previous Instructions" (DER 2010-21129), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government and framed in the I+D+i program, and of the project "Right to Health Care: limits, scope and efficient satisfaction from the principle of distributive justice" (DER2013-41462-R), funded by the Ministry of Economics and Competitivity of the Spanish Government, framed in the I+D+i program, too. 

More information: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=286796