Advisory Board
The Scientific Committee is the collegial body responsible for drawing up the publishing policy of the Art(s) Collection and ensuring compliance with that policy. It will be made up by the following:
- One or two Chairs.
- Members, made up by researchers of recognised standing nationally and internationally.
- Secretary, appointed from among the members.
The Chair will hold the following powers:
- To lead, coordinate and promote publishing activity by the collection and to propose the general content of its publishing policy, which must be approved by the Editorial Board of Ediciones Complutense.
- To propose the appointment of members, as well as the individual to hold the post of Secretary of the Scientific Committee, for approval at the Editorial Board of Ediciones Complutense.
- To call meetings of the Scientific Committee, preside over such meetings and coordinate its activity.
- To select and present publication projects to the Scientific Committee for approval, requesting external evaluation reports whenever necessary.
- To propose external reviewers to the Chair and technical staff of Ediciones Complutense for reviewing the works according to the double-blind system. The contact details of three individuals must be provided for each work to be reviewed.
- To notify the Chair and the technical staff of Ediciones Complutense about the decisions reached by the Scientific Committee of the collection, together with the preliminary and final review reports on publication proposals.
- To ensure that authors include the considerations provided by the external reviewers in the work.
- To propose all those actions as may be necessary to improve management of the collection.
The members will hold the following powers:
- To establish the general content of the publishing policy of the collection following a proposal from the Chair, which must be approved by the Editorial Board of Ediciones Complutense.
- To ensure compliance with the scientific standardisation and quality guidelines applicable to publication projects.
- To decide on the publication of those publication projects submitted according to the criteria of the publishing policy and, where appropriate, the results of any review reports requested.
- To propose external reviewers to the Chair of the collection for reviewing the works according to the double-blind system.
- To propose all those actions as may be necessary to improve management of the collection.
- To call meetings of the Scientific Committee when requested to do so by the Chair of the collection.
- To keep minutes of the meetings held by the Scientific Committee.
- To propose external reviewers to the Chair of the collection for reviewing the works according to the double-blind system.
- To draw up the preliminary and final review reports on publication proposals as a prior step before submission to the Editorial Committee of Ediciones Complutense for a final decision.
- To participate in all those actions as may be necessary to improve management of the collection.
Operating regime
- The Scientific Committee will meet at least twice per year.
- Meetings will be called by e-mail at least seven calendar days in advance and notifications will include the agenda and corresponding documentation.
- A valid session of the Scientific Committee for deliberations and agreements to be reached will require attendance by the Chair, the Secretary and at least one-third of the members.
- Agreements will be reached and considered valid when a simple majority of the votes cast by the attending members is achieved, with a vote by the Chair being the casting vote in the event of a tie.
- Minutes will be kept of all meetings of the Scientific Committee, which will contain a list of the topics discussed and the agreements reached. These minutes will be signed by the Secretary of the collection and will be made available to the Scientific Committee of the collection and the Editorial Board of Ediciones Complutense.
Advisory Board
Olga Pérez Monzón
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Alicia Fuentes Vega
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Álvaro José Torrente Sánchez-Guisande
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Bart Fransen
Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique (KIK-IRPA), Belgium
Beatriz Blasco Esquivias
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Benito Navarrete Prieto
University of Alcalá, Spain
Concepción Lomba Serrano
University of Zaragoza, Spain
Diana B. Wechsler
National University of Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jerrilynn Dodds
Sarah Lawrence College, United States
Jordana Mendelson
King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, NYU, United States
José Luis Sánchez Noriega
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Maite Zubiaurre
University of California, Los Angeles, United States
Margit Kern
University of Hamburg, Germany
Rubén Tortosa Cuesta
Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Sergio Julio Rubira Gutiérrez
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain