• Español

Structure of the Syllabus

Distribution of the ECTS Credits by types of Subjects

Compulsory 24
Elective 28
Master Thesis 8


Semester: 1 Semester: 2 Semester: 3 Semester: 4
(October to December) (January to March) (April to June) (July to September)
Basics Economics Basics Economics and Applied Economics July and August  
(24 ECTS Compulsory)  (16 ECTS Elective)
Applied Economics
(12 ECTS of the Specialization Elected)
  Master Thesis
(8 ECTS)

Distribution of ECTS Credits by type of subject and their number of credits

  1. Basics Economics
    1. Microeconomics I
    2. Macroeconomics II
    3. Quantitative Methods I
    4. Microeconomics II
    5. Macroeconomics II
    6. Quantitative Methods II
  2. Applied Economics
    1. Political Economics
    2. Spain in the International Economy
    3. Monetary and Financial Economics
    4. Public Economics Advanced
    5. Economic Development in Historical Perspective.
  3. Masters Thesis

Brief description of the modules or subjects, their temporal sequence and skills associated with each of the modules or subjects


The Basics Economics module develops throughout the first three semesters of the master. The main objective is to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and tools of analysis necessary for their training as an economist at an advanced level. It contains two subjects: Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics. Students must enroll 24 ECTS obligatory credits of this module. In addition, in the third semester may enroll up to 12 optional ECTS of this module.

The contents of the module are summarized as follows:

  • Economic Analysis. This course develops throughout the first three semesters of the master. It focuses on teaching the basic knowledge about the functioning of markets and the behavior of both individual agents as macroeconomic aggregate variables required for formulate and solve real business problems.
  • Quantitative Economics. This course develops throughout the first two semesters of the master. It focuses on the acquisition of the necessary tools for studying and research, which are the basis of the research training of students in the Masters.


Applied Economics module develops throughout the first three quarters of the master. It contains five subjects that meet the five tracks or specializations that are offered to students: 1) Applied Economics: Political Economics; 2) Applied Economics: International Economics in Spain; 3) Monetary and Financial Economics; 4) Advanced Public Economics; and 5) Economic Development in Historical Perspective. Upon enrollment, the student must choose one of these five routes, each of 12 ECTS. In addition, in the third quarter may take up to 16 other elective ECTS of this module.


Specialization Modules

  1. Applied Economics: Political Economics (Route or specialization that develops throughout the first three semesters of the Masters). Its contents are designed to facilitate the understanding of the most important phenomena of the world economy, deepening the knowledge acquired in undergraduate studies or Bachelors and paying special attention to current challenges of globalization.
  2. Applied Economics: Spain in the International Economy (Route or specialization that develops throughout the first three semesters of the Masters). It aims to develop the analysis techniques applied economics-oriented study of the Spanish economy in its aggregate, sectoral and institutional side. The Specialization focus on the inclusion of the Spanish economy in international markets.
  3. Monetary and Financial Economics (Route or specialization that develops throughout the first three semesters of the Masters). It aims to provide a comprehensive and rigorous vision on the role of financial assets in the allocation of resources in a modern economy.
  4. Advanced Public Economics (Route or specialization that develops throughout the first three semesters of the Masters). Aims to provide a comprehensive view to advanced the level of economic analysis of the performance of public sector in in market economies, with special attention to the programs of public revenue and expenditure, in the context of analysis of Welfare Economics.
  5. Economic Development in Historical Perspective (Route or specialization that develops throughout the first three semesters of the Masters). It aims to analyze at an advanced level the economic growth in the long term, both in the realm of ideas - based on the evolution of economic thought - as in the events - studying its realization in the different zones of the planet - with a comparative approach and based on more or less acceleration factors from that in response to the economic also social, political and institutional variables involved.

Offered Subjects

First Semster:

  • Microeconomics I: Producers, consumers and competitive markets (Required)
  • Macroeconomics I: Growth and Economic Fluctuations (Required)
  • Quantitative Methods I (Compulsory)
  • Global Political Economy I: Developed Economies (Route Political Economy)
  • Microeconomics of Internationalization (Spain Itinerary in International Economics)
  • Economy and Capital Markets I (Itinerary Monetary and Financial Economics)
  • Advanced Economics of Public Spending (Itinerary Advanced Public Economics)
  • International Economic Development. XVIII-XX centuries (Itinerary Economic Development in Historical Perspective)

Second Semster:

  • Microeconomics II: Imperfect Markets and Economy Report (Required)
  • Macroeconomics II: Quantitative and Empirical Macroeconomics (Required)
  • Quantitative Methods II (Compulsory)
  • Global Political Economy II: European Economics (Political Economy Itinerary)
  • Regional Economics (Itinerary Spain in International Economics)
  • Economy and Capital Markets II (Route Monetary and Financial Economics)
  • Economics Advanced taxation (Itinerary Advanced Public Economics)
  • History of Economic Thought. Orthodox and Heterodox (Route Economic Development in Historical Perspective)

Third Semster:

  • World Political Economy III: Underdeveloped Economies (Route Political Economy)
  • Industrial Economics (Itinerary Spain in International Economics)
  • Economy and Capital Markets III (Itinerary Monetary and Financial Economics)
  • Public Sector: territorial organization, management and evaluation (Itinerary Advanced Public Economics)
  • Spain in the western economic growth. XIX-XX centuries (Itinerary Economic Development in Historical Perspective)
  • Environmental Economics and Natural Resources (Elective)
  • Health Economics (Elective)
  • Topics Applied Economic Analysis (Elective)
  • Environment and Development (Elective)
  • Economics of Innovation (Elective)
  • Money and Finance (Elective)
  • Economics of Inequality and Social Welfare (Elective)
  • History of Economic Thought in Spain (Elective)
  • Economic Change in the Modern Age: Spain in the European Mirror (Elective)

Internship Program

  • exists the possibility to do an Internship