• Español

Skills and Objectives


  • endowment extensive and deep knowledge to students, whom should be able to analyze and solve complex problems in the field of public and private sectors of the economy, based on the domain of theoretical, methodological and analytical tools, relevant economic information and a thorough understanding of the current economic reality.
  • solid and advanced level skills in the following areas: economic analysis; quantitative methods; international economy; Spanish economy; monetary and financial economics; public finances; economic history and history of economic thought.


The Program is oriented towards preparing the students for the exercise of professional and academic activities in the field of economics. The process of acquiring those skills is developed through the modules and materials that comprise the Master. Specifically, the skills are:

General Skills

  • CG1: Domain of basics of economics and at least one of the areas of applied economics and of academic / professional methodology in these areas.
  • CG2: Capacity to identify relevant sources of economic information (databases, books, articles, etc..) and to process it adequately, understand it and critically examine these sources.
  • CG3: Ability to perform critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas in economics at an advanced level.
  • CG4: Ability to do autonomously research work in economics.
  • CG5: Capacity writing professional reports and papers in the field of economy.
  • CG6: Ability to perform with competence academic and / or related professional positions in economics.
  • CG7: Ability to encourage, in academic and professional contexts, economic and social progress within our based society on knowledge.
  • CG8: Ability to receive and transmit information in other languages​​, mainly English.
  • CG9: Ability to properly handle information technology and software applications required for economic analysis.

Specific Skills

  • CE1: Learning to make decisions related to economic problems of agents in mathematical language and assimilate the typical structure of conditional optimization problems.
  • CE2: Learn the connection between the various actors in institutional frameworks and resource allocation given the positive properties of these allocation mechanisms.
  • CE3: Understand in depth the basic macroeconomic models and be able to analyze the behavior of key macroeconomic variables and learn the connections between them.
  • CE4: Understand the basic operation of a modern economy, focusing on micro and macroeconomic analysis and the use of statistical and econometric tools commonly used in applied research.
  • CE5: Mastering Search and management of quantitative and qualitative, primary and secondary, relevant to the study of economics sources. Identify relevant information and knowledge to criticize, evaluate and treat the content of the sources.
  • CE6: Capacity analysis of complex socio-economic development and we call economic underdevelopment, phenomena correctly using the concepts that allow to characterize.
  • SC7: Ability to capture the interdependencies that exist between phenomena and economic, social, political and environmental variables on the international stage.
  • CE8: Acquire the skills necessary to implement the tools of economic analysis to the study and interpretation of the economic reality of Spain as a whole and in the areas defined in this area.
  • CE9: Understand the theoretical foundations of financial decisions and monetary and financial policy and its implications for the allocation of resources in an economy.
  • CE10: analytical analysis to address the macroeconomic environment and its interaction with monetary and financial aspects of an economy capacity.
  • CE11: Capacity to analyze the allocative and distributive effects generated by public sector intervention in market economies, the analytical framework of modern welfare economics understanding.
  • CE12: Understand the role of the various programs in public revenue and expenditure and corrective in market failures that justify consequences and objectives relating to the correction of inequality with which income is distributed, taking into multigobierno account the institutional framework in which they operate.
  • CE13: Extending the perspective in analysis of problems, ideas and economic circumstances of the present through knowledge of the economic past of today"s societies.
  • CE14: Understand the growth and economic institutions not only as a result and application of theoretical or formal representations of how the economy works, but also as a result of specific historical processes that contribute, in turn, explain the genesis of such theoretical representations.