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Quality Guarantee System

Organization, composition and functions IQGSC


The Vice Dean of Graduate Studies and Quality Assessment is responsible for ensuring internal quality of the Degree in Business Administration and Management. In addition, Commission of Quality of Business Administration and Management was created - an aditional unit - which is responsible for the quality of this Degree. For more information related to the Commission, read:

  • Second Section. The functioning of the Quality Committee (Internal Operation Regulations of the Commission on Quality Degree in Business Administration).
  • Third Section. Quality Commission Roles. (Rules for the Internal Functioning of the Commission on Quality Degree Business Administration and Management).


The members of the Commission of Quality of Business Administration and Management (adopted at the meeting of May 20, 2011):

  • President: Dean of the School .
  • Vice Dean of Bachelor"s Degree and Quality Assessment.
  • Secretary: Coordinator of the Degree.
  • Members:
    • Vice Dean of Academic Management.
    • Vice Dean of  Student, University and Library Extension.
    • Vice Dean International Relations.
    • Two Department Directors - giving classes - by proposal from the School Board.
    • Two Professors of School Board giving classes.
    • Two student members of School Board .
    • 1 representative of the Administration and Services, a member of School Board.
    • 2 external representatives (ACAP experts or ANECA , quality experts from other universities, representatives of professional associations, companies or organizations related to the degree).

The appointment of members of the Quality Commission will be made by the Board of the School of Economics and Business. The term of office shall be for as long as members remain in office.

The appointment of the external agents members of the Quality Commission will be made by the Board of the School of Economics and Business. The term of office shall be indefinite or until a proposal from the interested parties or the president Commission proposed and agreed his removal.


The functions of the Quality Commission of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management are established in the article 3 in its Internal Function Regulation from January 2010, 12th. These are, as established:

  • General:
    • To monitor the System Internal Quality Guarantee.
    • Manage and coordinate all aspects of the system.
    • To monitor and evaluate the quality objectives
    • Make proposals for review and improvement of the degree, and keep track of them.
    • Suggest and modify quality objectives
    • Gather information and proof on the development and implementation of training program of the degree (objectives, development of teaching and learning, etc.).
    • Manage Information System
    • Establish and determines quality policy according to the School and UCM.
  • Specific:
    • Annual preparation of a Report of performances conducted by the Commission.
    • Development of an annual progress report of the teachings of the Degree and a plan for the improvements of those to be sent for approval to the Board of the School.
    • Building Reports of monitoring the implementation of the proposed improvements and approved by the Board of the School.
    • Adoption of decisions and, where appropriate, decisions relating to the complaints and suggestions presented.
    • Adoption of the proposed amendment of the Regulations of the Quality Commission.

Complaints and Grievances System

The handling of complaints shall be made before the Commission for Quality Degree through the email: sugerencias_grados@ccee.ucm.es or through a letter addressed to Vice Dean for Graduate Studies. Those complaints shall be formulated by the applicant indicating their personal data, the sector of the university community to which he belongs and its address for notification, which will be specified with sufficient clarity the facts giving rise to the complaint, the subject and reach of the pretense which arises and the request is submitted to the Quality Committee. The letter will be submitted with a freedom of form.

Complaints and claims are to be sent via e-mail: sugerencias_grados@ccee.ucm.es or through a letter addressed to Vice Dean for Graduate Studies.