Quality Guarantee System
Organization, composition and functions IQGSC
The members of the Commission of Quality of Business Administration and Management (adopted at the meeting of May 20, 2011):
- President: Dean of the School .
- Vice Dean of Postgraduate and Research
- Secretary: Coordinator of the Degree.
- Members:
- Vice Dean of Academic Management.
- Vice Dean of Student, University and Library Extension.
- Department Directors or appointed by one from the following Departments: Applied Economics II and IV, Financial Economics and Accounting II, Principles of Economic Ananlysis II, Statistics and Operational Research II, Business Organization, Administrative Law,
- Two Professors of School Board giving classes.
- 1 student member from the Master .
- 1 representative of the Administration and Services, a member of School Board.
- 1 external representative (from a Company operating in the field related to the Master).
- General:
- To monitor the System Internal Quality Guarantee.
- Manage and coordinate all aspects of the system.
- To monitor and evaluate the quality objectives
- Make proposals for review and improvement of the degree, and keep track of them.
- Suggest and modify quality objectives
- Gather information and proof on the development and implementation of training program of the degree (objectives, development of teaching and learning, etc.).
- Manage Information System
- Establish and determines quality policy according to the School and UCM.
- Specific:
- Annual preparation of a Report of performances conducted by the Commission.
- Development of an annual progress report of the teachings of the Degree and a plan for the improvements of those to be sent for approval to the Board of the School.
- Building Reports of monitoring the implementation of the proposed improvements and approved by the Board of the School.
- Adoption of decisions and, where appropriate, decisions relating to the complaints and suggestions presented.
- Adoption of the proposed amendment of the Regulations of the Quality Commission.