Publicaciones 2013
Allende Álvarez, F., De las Heras P., Fernández Sañudo, P., López Estébanez, N. & Roldán Martín, M.J. 2013 Distribution area of Juniperus oxycedrus L. in Central Spain (Madrid). Ecologia Mediterranea 39(1): 181-190.
Barandica, J.M., Fernández Sánchez, G., Berzosa, A., Delgado, J.A. & Acosta, F.J. 2013 Applying life cycle thinking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from road projects. Journal of Cleaner Production 57: 79-91. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.05.036
Berzosa, A., Barandica, J.M. & Fernández Sánchez, G. 2013 A new proposal for GHG emissions responsibility allocation: best available technologies approach. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 10: 95-101.
Catalán, P., Vázquez de Aldana, B.R., De las Heras, P., Fernández Seral, A. & Pérez Corona, M.E. 2013 Comparing the allelopathic potential of exotic and native plant species on understory plants: are exotic plants better armed? Anales de Biología 35: 65-74.
De Miguel, J.M., Acosta Gallo, B. & Gómez Sal, A. 2013 Understand mediterranean pasture dynamics: general tree cover vs. specific effects of individual trees. Rangeland Ecology & Management 66: 216-223.
Díaz Pineda, F. 2013 Valores ambientales del monte mediterráneo. En: Cuadernos de Sostenibilidad y Patrimonio Natural Nº 22. El bosque mediterráneo como creador de valores. Fundación Banco Santander. Madrid. pp: 17-21.
Díaz, P & Schmitz, M.F. (eds.). 2013 Cultural Tourism. WIT Press. Southampton, Boston, USA. 137 pp. [WIT Series on Tourism Today. Vol I. Editors F.D. Pineda & C. Brebbia].
Díaz, P. (ed.). 2013 Tourism as a Tool for Development. WIT Press. Southampton, Boston, USA. 177 pp. [WIT Series on Tourism Today. Vol IV. Editors F.D. Pineda & C. Brebbia].
Hardt, E., Dos Santos, R.F., López de Pablo, C.T., Martín de Agar, P. & Pereira Silva, E.F.L. 2013 Utility of landscape mosaics and boundaries in forest conservation decision making in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Landscape Ecology 28 (3): 385-399 (DOI: 10.1007/s10980-013-9845-5).
Herrero Jáuregui, C., Guariguata, M.R., Cárdenas, D., Vilanova, E., Robles, M., Licona, J.C. & Nalvarte, W. 2013 Assessing the extent of -conflict of use- in multipurpose tropical forest trees: a regional view. Journal of Environmental Management 130: 40-47.
Jiménez, M.D., Ruiz-Capillas, P., Mola, I., Pérez Corona M.E., Casado, M.A., Balaguer, L. 2013 Soil development at the roadside: A case study of a novel ecosystem. Land Degradation and Development 24 (6): 564-574. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1157
Lozano, J., Casanovas, J.G., Virgós, E. & Zorrilla, J.M. 2013 How red foxes can increase in numbers when persecuted: the Competitor Release Effect applied to carnivore species. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation (aceptada junio 2012).
Magro, S., Gutiérrez López, M., Casado, M.A., Jiménez, M.D., Trigo, D., Mola, I. & Balaguer, L. 2013 Soil functionality at the roadside: zooming in on a microarthropod community in an anthropogenic soil. Ecological Engineering 60: 81-87.
Martín Forés, I., Martín López, B. & Montes, C. 2013 Anthropomorphic factors influencing spanish conservation policies of vertebrates. International Journal of Biodiversity.
Martínez Abraín, A., Crespo, J., Verdugo, M., Gutiérrez, L., Lafuente, A., Mañas, A. & De Miguel, J.M. 2013 Causes of human impact to protected vertebrate wildlife parallel long-term socio-economical changes in Spain. Animal Conservation 16: 286-294.
Medina Villar, S., Alonso, A., Pérez Corona M.E. & Castro Díez, P. 2013 Impacto de las especies exóticas en los ecosistemas de ribera. En: G. Ros, A. Guerrero, J. Aguado y M.A. Hidalgo (eds.). V Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. 28-30 noviembre 2012. Madrid, España. pp.: 93-103.
Ochoa Hueso, R., Mejías Sanz, V., Pérez Corona, M.E. & Manrique, E. 2013 Nitrogen deposition effects on tissue chemistry and phosphatase activity in Cladonia foliacea (Huds.) Willd., a common terricolous lichen of semi-arid mediterranean shrublands. Journal of Arid Environments 88: 78-81.
Ochoa Hueso, R., Pérez Corona, M.E. & Manrique, E. 2013 Impacts of simulated N deposition on plants and mycorrhizae from spanish semiarid mediterranean shrublands. Ecosystems 16: 838-851.
Onaindia, M., Ballesteros, F., Alonso Campos G., Monge Ganuzas, M. & Peña, L. 2013 Participatory process to prioritize actions for a sustainable management in a biosphere reserve. Environmental Science & Policy 33: 283-294 (DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2013.05.012).
Pérez Corona, M.E., De las Heras, P. & Vázquez de Aldana, B.R. 2013 Allelopathic potential of invasive Ulmus pumila on understory plant species. Alellopathy Journal 32: 101-112.
Pineda, F.D. (ed.). 2013 Tourism and Environment. WIT Press. Southampton, Boston, USA. 149 pp. [WIT Series on Tourism Today. Vol II. Editors F.D. Pineda & C. Brebbia].
Ruiz Labourdette, D., Schmitz, M.F. & Pineda, F.D. 2013 Changes in tree species composition in mediterranean mountains under climate change: indicators for conservation planning. Ecological Indicators 24: 310-323.
Ruiz Labourdette, D., Schmitz, M.F. & Pineda, F.D. 2013 Marco de relaciones y retos de gestión en el Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama. Ambienta 103: 98-107.
Sanz Montero, M.E., Arroyo Rey, X., Cabestrero, O., Calvo, J.P., Fernández Escalante, A.E., Fidalgo, C., García del Cura, M.A., García Avilés, González Martín, J.A., Rodríguez Aranda, J.P. & Rovira, J.V. 2013 Procesos de sedimentación y biomineralización en la laguna alcalina de las Eras (Humedal Coca-Olmedo). Geogaceta 53: 97-100.
Schmitz, M.F. (ed.). 2013 Tourism and Natural protected Areas. WIT Press. Southampton, Boston, USA. 139 pp. [WIT Series on Tourism Today. Vol III. Editors F.D. Pineda & C. Brebbia].
Schmitz, M.F. & Díaz, P. (eds.). 2013 Tourism as a Challenge. WIT Press. Southampton, Boston, USA. 153 pp. [WIT Series on Tourism Today. Vol V. Editors F.D. Pineda & C. Brebbia].